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  1. P

    Wut is pruning?

    can some1 tell me wut pruning is plzz?
  2. P

    Purp more purple................

    so if i hav them in a shed outside n i leave da heater off they will be more purple? n how does it affect them if i do that????
  3. P

    Wuts wrong with these plant??? pics

    i barely hav any nutes in there n all da other plants are the same age and i hav been growing them the same way and they r doing fine
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    Wuts wrong with these plant??? pics

    yes i am using miracle-gro
  5. P

    Purp more purple................

    can any1 tell me some secrets on how to get my purple plants to produce more color???? plzzz
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    Wuts wrong with these plant??? pics

    i hav 16 plants and out of the 16 i hav these 3 deformed ones wut is wrong with them?
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    Wuts wrong with my plant??? pics

    i water it every 2 days n i have 14 others so i am using 5 cfl's
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    Wuts wrong with my plant??? pics

    it was fine yesturday but now look at them i think its been watered 2 much but idk
  9. P


    i hav this CRI 84 bulb that my frend gave me, it is 23watt, 120volt and 2800k. will this work for growing???
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    Wtf does fluhing mean?

    ok ty guyz for the info
  11. P

    Wtf does fluhing mean?

    i still dnt understand wut flushing ur plant is and how u do it. and wen u shold do it. can any1 help me plz????????
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    Keeping growth down

    ok ty i realy need the info
  13. P

    How many crops?

    how many crops does a plant grow? im hearing only 1. can any1 help me?????
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    Keeping growth down

    im seeing alot of nets above plants is that to keep the growth down????
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    ok ty for the info
  16. P


    is miracle grow a nute????
  17. P


    wen do u giv them 2 ur plants/ wen they r flowering or all the time?
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    wut r nutes????? i heard that u feed them 2 ur plants but wut r they????
  19. P

    F#cken BS...nirvana seeds cracked but not sprouting...BS

    dnt put the seeds in a cup of water, the best way 2 sprout them is 2 put them in a wet paper towel for 3 days, or however long they take. water the paper towels once a day to keep them wet
  20. P


    its 23 wattage 120volt 2800k its called Panasonic light capsule energy saving light bulb