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  1. dx1martin

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    SOUNDTRIBE SECTOR 9, Jim Weider's Project Percolator, Disco Biscuits, Soulive, String Cheese Incident, and Phil for sure! go to and look under Live Music Archive. The downloadable/streamable music is approved by each artist in the directory. GO SEE LIVE MUSIC!
  2. dx1martin

    what to study next

    there is a very big problem with the lack of communication between some doctors and their patients. the pharmacist can see the problem when a patient is taking multiple medications that cause detrimental effects when compounded in the body. its situations like with "vioxx" that can spread...
  3. dx1martin

    what to study next

    go pharmacy
  4. dx1martin

    Hows the weather been?

    sunny and 75 out here in maui! though it was fairly overcast last week
  5. dx1martin

    What would you do?

    i still say its al gore's fault, for inventing the internet
  6. dx1martin

    VIDEO:Baltimore PIG ASSULTS, THREATENS, and steals teens sk8board

    i think the world took a turn for the worse when Al Gore invented the internet...
  7. dx1martin

    Its COLD outside.

    come out to hawaii, da weathers great! 15 footers out today. when it gets to 60 here everyone wears their jackets and complains. i'll take it any day! aloha
  8. dx1martin

    BUDDER 98 percent pure THC

    yeah, i want some!
  9. dx1martin

    Need New Bong Ideas!

    steamrolla brudda
  10. dx1martin

    Any way to not smell weed??

    the doob tube is the ultimate in smell proof technology. just DO NOT store your dube tube anywhere near your bag of goodies, unless you like the taste of dryer sheets! mmm :spew:
  11. dx1martin

    Whats up

    post pictures of da kine you grow
  12. dx1martin

    Jim Weider's Project Percolator

    go to and download some sick shows.
  13. dx1martin

    Purple Haze?

    i also think purp is over used by black people
  14. dx1martin

    Aloha from maui J

    i am white and have had no racial problems with any locals. i am a respectful member of the minority crowd out here. though i have been out here long enough to get a hawaiian name......its "fucking haole". i can shake off da beef jus fine. one thing i have heard is that locals will glue grass...
  15. dx1martin

    Great Stoner Quotes

    I’m sorry about that delousing. Just standard procedure. It’s powdered sugar. The lice hate the sugar. It’s delicious
  16. dx1martin

    The Making Of A Monster!

    that grow setup is da kine!
  17. dx1martin

    Anyone In Maui Going To The Bassnectar Show At Cassanovas?

    anyone going to the bassnectar show at cassanova's in makawao? aloha
  18. dx1martin

    Aloha from maui J

    aloha. i just recently joined what seems to be a thriving community of down to earth kine people. i just moved out to maui last year from the plain midwest of the mainland. anyone from maui? maybe hook up some fishin, spear or reel. anyhow, just an introduction from maui J. kudos to all
  19. dx1martin

    Buying volcano...easy valve or solid valve?

    aloha. i have found a plethora of information to tip the scale towards purchasing the behemoth. i am torn between choosing the easy valve or solid valve, mainly due to this being my first purchase/encounter with what hopefully turns out to be a life long companion. another question looking for...