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  1. P

    Narrow room ideas

    I got this idea from a post here on RUI but now I cant find it to duplicate it. I asked a friend who is more knowledgeable about these things and he said I could not wire 2- 600w to one 1000watt ballast as it would pull 1200 watts and the ballast couldnt keep up. He said I could run 2 400Watts...
  2. P

    A talk about "Hippies"

    an environmentalist signs a petition to keep a tree from being cut down ~ A hippy would chain themselves to the tree I didnt grow up in the era but when I think hippy I think radical, nonviolent, drugs, free love (sex), and hairy women
  3. P

    Netflix users

    Wonderful Whites of West Virginia was AWESOME! I like Sons of Anarchy, watched the 1st 2 seasons in one weekend
  4. P

    So the police just fucking took me in!!

    time i chimed in....step one hire a lawyer. This cop is so bold because he likely thinks this is going in front of a city/county judge that ALWAYS sides with the police. You have a right to be heard in state court because the ticket likely was for violating a state statute/law. Call the clerk...
  5. P

    Narrow room ideas

    There is only 2 feet in the back of the closet with less than a 6' clearance. I am debating putting my rez in the back of the closet to maximize space. It surprises me noone thinks side lighting would be a benefit. If the Rez has a 24" footprint that leaves me a grow space of 5X2.5 or 12.5 sq...
  6. P

    Narrow room ideas

    Since having posted this, my least favorite is now my best option. I would still like some feedback on side lighting. Having an aircooled 600w overhead, would it be worth my while to add cfl or t-5s as side lighting? im wondering how much benefit it would give considering the cost of setup and...
  7. P


    least favorite~ blunt most favorite~ pipe been so long since i used a bong I cant remember, I would really like to try a vape
  8. P

    True noob question about paper towel

    Im hardheaded so it takes me a looonnggg time to give up! try other methods. Give the paper a few more days then try soaking them in a shot glass. Its been known to work
  9. P

    Heres a look at my grow space --- i want to make it a perpetual grow

    would you not have a wire hanging no matter where you plugged it in?
  10. P

    Heres a look at my grow space --- i want to make it a perpetual grow

    That electrical box is probably nailed into the studs. I would consider wiring my 250w directly in where that other fixture is. Then you could take out the light switch and wire in your 12/12 timer. As for exhaust, you could drill another hole in the ceiling or the floor.
  11. P


    I dont like it either, the actress isnt very like-able. It starts out demonizing marijuana by saying "marijuana I dont like it either" . I know its meant to play toward non-users but this wouldnt sway anyone.
  12. P

    Have weed prices went up?

    rural georgia
  13. P

    Best weed song ever

    Comfortably Numb
  14. P

    Have weed prices went up?

    $120-$160 a oz in my area. all mexican dirt weed or bagseed (outdoor) homegrown....ya cant find the good stuff here. Everyone is used to this and would look at you like you were crazy if ya asked more than $200 a oz no matter what strain.
  15. P

    Your Drug History

    12~ciggs, still smoke 12~huffing gasoline, sister convinced me to quit, I think i had started thinking she was a weeble wobble toy 13~drinking, I still do socially 14~weed, my favorite 16~nyquil got out of control, drinking it between classes @ school 19~acid, tricked into it 23~ pain...
  16. P

    can the stump be reused

    lol hahhaha rep to ya sir for the laugh
  17. P

    Going to build a aeroponics system + rep given

    Duke, as far as your timing goes 1st i need to know how you plan to cycle your water pump. Some use 1min on 5min off using a 555 timer or a ready made timer from a hydro supplier. Some use a hot water heater timer 15min on 30 min-45min off. These hot water heater timers are in any hardware store.
  18. P

    Just because someone has more posts

    Everyone on the forum gives advice to the best of their ability. I find people are too quick to berate rather than educate. I prefer flat white paint, sure I lose 9% reflectivity compared to mylar but mylar has to be perfect to achieve 99%
  19. P

    How do i start seeds when doing aeroponic

    I am working on a NFT system too. My plan was to start em off in a DWC bubbler setup and then move em to NFT unit once the roots come out of the rockwool.
  20. P

    Narrow room ideas

    I have a space that is 7' deep and 30" wide. the ceiling is angled and is 10' @ the highest point and 4' at its lowest (under staircase). I am in the process of building a low pressure Aero system (NFT) for this space. It will take me months to get this room up and going due to cash, and time...