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  1. moneytrain

    Bleach on just blooming skywalker og kush female

    put bleach on here see how she likes it........... man i would hate to be you thats marijuana murder first agree i was told the only good whay to kill a marijuana plant is harvesting lol
  2. moneytrain

    Mysterious Yellowing Between Leaf Veins

    sorry about my last post i dident take a good look porky b is right this is your problem and trust me ive been doing this for ten years i know my stuff...... your problem is MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY: Problem: The edges of the leaves may become yellow or bright green and may start feeling crispy...
  3. moneytrain

    Can it Be the SOIL again? PISSED

    Problem: A sulfur deficiency will manifest itself as all-over chlorosis (yellowing of leaves) starting with the oldest leaves and may look like a nitrogen deficiency at first. The parts that are underneath the leaves may take on a distinctive pinkish red or orange color. The buds on a...
  4. moneytrain

    Arjan Haze and Skywalker problems!

    your over watering only water every 3to4 days thats all she need ive been growing for ten years i see this all the time
  5. moneytrain

    will my plants grow well in this set up????? (pic inside)

    thanks man i really appreciate it i think im going to take your advice ill just practice with a few plants and do a bit more reading into i get some good hid lights
  6. moneytrain

    will my plants grow well in this set up????? (pic inside)

    ok well thanx for info but will i at least get an ok crop with this set up???
  7. moneytrain

    will my plants grow well in this set up????? (pic inside)

    two 15 watt florescent lights 18 hour days 6 hour nights will my plants grow well in these conditions im trying to grow some fire:fire:
  8. moneytrain

    Brown spots. Help

    yes they are definitely in bad shape i had this problem with my first plants but the good news is you can bring her back........this is what i did stop the drip marijuana plants dont need lots of water its better to under water them then to over water them!!! check the ph level it should be...
  9. moneytrain

    Mysterious Yellowing Between Leaf Veins

    check the ph in the soil and you should also check to see if you have a bug problem
  10. moneytrain

    Are these ants harmful or helpful?

    they are not good for the plant at all you will have a whole bunch of dead ants in your bud and the ant larve feed on the moisture of the plant which will kill it eventually do something FAST
  11. moneytrain

    Brown/Rusty Spots, Hydro with Pics

    i had a similar post i was told my soil was to wett to keep ph level between 6.4 to 6.8
  12. moneytrain

    HELLLLP PLEEEAASE!!!!!! yellow burt leaves

    ok i really hope thats all thank you very much very much appreciated
  13. moneytrain

    HEEELLP PLEEESE burt yellow leaves

    hey guys i need your help asap b4 there is no time left i am new to growing these are my first two plants at first they where growing good then i found a bunch of mites in the soil so i sprayed them with "fruite and vegetable insect killer" for about 3 days that seems to have worked, ive...
  14. moneytrain

    HELLLLP PLEEEAASE!!!!!! yellow burt leaves

    hey guys i need your help asap b4 there is no time left i am new to growing these are my first two plants at first they where growing good then i found a bunch of mites in the soil so i sprayed them with "fruite and vegetable insect killer" for about 3 days that seems to have worked, ive...
  15. moneytrain

    leaves turning brown help please asap b4 its to late

    hey guys i need your help asap b4 there is no time left i am new to growing these are my first two plants at first they where growing good then i found a bunch of mites in the soil so i sprayed them with "fruite and vegetable insect killer" for about 3 days that seems to have worked, ive seen...