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  1. ToastedOats

    New to growing, please help.

    most nutes include the trace elements and if they do, it will definitly say so on the package
  2. ToastedOats

    encouraging females

    bananas would work best, they emit alot of ethylene gas as they ripen. go buy some unripe bananas put them in a paper bag with your seeds and wait till the bananas are ripe. that should work assuming huberts theory is correct. (on a side note, did you know that bananas are going to be...
  3. ToastedOats

    flying with your pet

    I've done it. When my dog was a puppy she slid into the room we were smoking in and it happened to get really smoky. Normally we wouldnt have let her in with us but we didnt notice. She basically sneezed a couple times, took a power nap and then went CRAZY hyper. it was funny but she looked like...
  4. ToastedOats

    power out question

    i dont think the lack of light will do anything too bad. Think of it as a cloudy day? or maybe random shade. Two hours less of light isnt a problem but two hours of light when its supposed to be dark can cause hermies. You got lucky kiddo
  5. ToastedOats

    encouraging females

    When you're in the dark part of your light schedule, make sure its PITCH black. This will stop the formation of hermies at the very least.
  6. ToastedOats

    first grow opinions, near flower?(photoshoot!)

    it could be that your soil is too compacted. After i water my plants droop a little too but if you stick a pen or a skewer down into the soil it will help to airate it down there. I wouldnt give up on her yet, she probably has alot of potential! What nutes you been using? just hte FF those two...
  7. ToastedOats

    New to growing, please help.

    amen to that!
  8. ToastedOats

    during watering?

    could be your soil is too compacted. if you're not in your final pots, before you transplant, add more perlite which will help with drainage. if not, take a pencil and shove it down into the dirt to airate the soil a bit
  9. ToastedOats

    first grow opinions, near flower?(photoshoot!)

    I started to flower at 5 weeks but its all you're call mate. you can keep vegging and you might end up with a few more budsites but those look real good to flower. Miracle grow soil probably wasnt your best idea cuz the Ph is a little high but looks like you're doin okay regardless :peace:
  10. ToastedOats

    Presexing help please..?

    thats just new growth. those will turn into new leaves and eventually budsites
  11. ToastedOats

    New to growing, please help.

    i dont think its the same as fertilizer but i think it does the same shit. each part of the NPK keeps a certain part of the plant nice and healthly. Ive been using it all along and am in my 4th week of flower. my girls are lookin slammin :peace:
  12. ToastedOats

    New to growing, please help.

    once your plants are about three weeks old their gonna need some nutrients. you want something with Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) during flowering you want something high in nitrogen. I used miracle grow plant food plus which was 8-7-6
  13. ToastedOats


    i tried the wet paper towel thing and it didnt work for shit for me. IMO, just stick those bad boys (well, hopefully girls!) in some soil about the depth of a pencil eraser and water them (no nutes or anything). Thats what i did and im in my 3rd week of flower so i must've done something right!
  14. ToastedOats

    storing and smoking ques?

    I usually keep mine in an old prescription bottle. that will protect them from light as well as keeping air out. As for smoking them, tahts really debateable but my vote is no. Ive tried it and done the research. The psybicilin or hwatever it is that fucks you up in shrooms gets destroyed at...
  15. ToastedOats

    Male/Female (again sorry!)

    You're pictures are really unclear but once they start to show sex, you'll know. The white hairs that they show if their female are very distinct. The males however look like little balls where leave meets stem. hope i helped, try for soem better pix mate. :peace:
  16. ToastedOats

    New to growing, please help.

    -dont treat your soil with anything before you plant. just make sure the Ph is neutral and if its not, you can check the grow faq to see how to fix it. You can add some perlite for added drainage if you want but dont add any nutrients or anything. those come later -for an outdoor grow, that...
  17. ToastedOats

    A little worried about my plants. flowering day 16, Take a look.

    well you have to figure that by changing your like schedule to 12/12 you basically told the plant that its season is about to end. So now, its focusing more heavily on making the buds, which if you were to pollinate would make seeds (to keep the species going) but regardless that they are...
  18. ToastedOats

    End-of-flower bulk

    Depends where the new growth is. The buds on the top will mature faster than those on the bottom so some people will harvest the top and let the bottom finish doing its thing and then harvest that too.
  19. ToastedOats

    The perfect seed

    I think if you to to nirvana's website you can fill out like, a questionaire and it gives you what strains would be best for your situation.
  20. ToastedOats

    false leafs yellow

    they can be called false leaves, or embryonic leaves or cotelydens if you really want to get technical but Thats normal, Mine did that too and my plants are budding quite nicely! Happy growing mate! :peace: