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  1. finnal

    porn websites

    what have i done
  2. finnal

    new discovery maybe?

    i have a fan blowing on my plants and these drops have been there for days and if u touch it with ur finger it reeks of chron its a very small grow just 3 plants in a closet and there is no humidity unless a cloud formed in my closet and driped a few drops of water over a bunch of random leaves...
  3. finnal

    new discovery maybe?

    the moisture isnt coming from the leaves its landing on the leaves its coming from the flowers i'll get picks but they just look like water droplets and no im not trolling if i was trolling i would of come up with something like i fed my plant blood and now its talking
  4. finnal

    new discovery maybe?

    if i discover this that means i get to name it right?
  5. finnal

    new discovery maybe?

    im using soil from home depot and my buddys dads using black jack and no u can tell its the plants popping its like they fill up with water so fast it shoots out the tops and my nutes are foxfarm and my buddys dads nutes are chicken shit literally the only thing these plants have in common...
  6. finnal

    new discovery maybe?

    ok so to start off this thread i would like to tell a little story so my friends step mom got her card after i told her how easy it was and her uncle had his card and had 2 too many plants so to be safe he just gave them to her and they were roughly 6-7 feet tall so we loaded them up in the...
  7. finnal

    porn websites

    why are some people getting so mad i thought this was toke and talk u know with like minded stoners it kinda feels like 30 year old christian ladies are coming in here to bitch
  8. finnal

    porn websites

    does anyone know of any weed porn website and i mean real porn not just hot girls in bikinis smoking blunts i want to see chicks getting ripped
  9. finnal

    mutant plant?

    so i have this baby purple plant i got from my brother at about a week old he said all he knows is that its purple and things were fine for a bit but it started growing 3 nodes at a time so i was just thinking awesome maybe it will just have extra branches or something (being optimistic) but...
  10. finnal

    mutant plant?

    ive got pics!!!!!!!!!!! hurah
  11. finnal

    mutant plant?

    i forgot to mention after 3 sets of 3 nodes it went to going 1 node branch and then having the stem grow out from the started branch so its now growing in a zig zag pattern i'll try to get pics but my only camera is my phone and its not that great and i dont know how to get them from my phone to...
  12. finnal

    mutant plant?

    so i have this baby purple plant i got from my brother at about a week old he said all he knows is that its purple and things were fine for a bit but it started growing 3 nodes at a time so i was just thinking awesome maybe it will just have extra branches or something (being optimistic) but it...
  13. finnal

    Finally Legal

    guys i just got my card like 3 weeks ago and im so stocked it finally made my closet grow legal lol but im waiting to move out of apartments before i do a real grow this is mostly a trial run and gratz on your card too bro
  14. finnal

    Need some tips! First time small budget grow!

    a tip i hear alot is its easyer for a plant to drown then it is for them to dry out
  15. finnal

    moving from window light to new bulb

    hey sorry for not updateing the the day i posted this i got a small pay check and got a new lamp and a CFL daylight light bulb 1400 lumes 5500k my plant has grown about an inch in the last 3 days and lots of new leafs have sprouted out and the whole plant seems to be pretty frosted i know what...
  16. finnal

    moving from window light to new bulb

    ok so i was growing my plant with window light but i live in the northwest it was fine durring summer but now that its winter my plants is flowering but it has very slow growth so i moved it from window to light bulb but i just used an average table lamp with a light bulb thats long and skinny...
  17. finnal

    limited growing how can i make the best out come

    i found a way to get it more light but im going to save up and get a bulb does anyone know what the best cheapist light plus bulb set up and energy efficient
  18. finnal

    Can't quite ID this..

    those look like balls to me but ide wait for more feedback
  19. finnal

    limited growing how can i make the best out come

    ok so i have like no money so i cant really buy anything for my growing venture i only have 1 plant and wanted some sage advice. ok so i have my 1 plant in my loft where it only gets like 3 hours of direct sunlight but gets alot of indirect light throughout the day i used plant food nutes in the...