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  1. MrBosco

    Lots of Questions about growing. **Pictures**

    They've grown tall and spindley as they're trying to stretch up to the light, which either isn't bright enough or is too far away from the plants for them to thrive. If you want them to grow bushier at this stage you'll need bigger pots, more blue-spectrum light, and more vegging time. If you...
  2. MrBosco

    Humidity Helppppp!

    A bucket quarter-filled with water with a towel draped over the side and a fan blowing air over the towel will generate a fair bit of humidity. How effective it is would depend on how big the grow space is and how quickly the air in the space is being vented. Someone on this forum reported...
  3. MrBosco

    Where to Start Reading(Noob)?

    I'd agree, aim to identify everything you'll need to start growing. Pick your growing space, figure out how much of that space will be filled with plants, what lighting you'll need for that space and how you're going to going to cool the lights and ventilate the space. Then think about growing...
  4. MrBosco

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Visible sparkles when bud is burned cannot be caused by glucose or starch. Carbohydrates can fizzle a bit when burned but will not burn with a firework sparkle. There are a few reasons bud can burn with a crackling sound, but chemical fertilisers are the only thing likely to be found in bud that...
  5. MrBosco

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Definately sounds like lots of nitrate in the weed, though I have no idea how so much nitrate could have built up in the buds that it sparkles and pops even when you leave the J in the ashtray. Flowering fertilisers generally have a low nitrogen ratio in them. Maybe this happens if the grower...
  6. MrBosco

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey stickey. When you say sparkley.. do you mean the bud glitters unusually in the light or do you mean it sparkles when burned? It you chew a tiny little bit of it (don't swallow it) does it feel very gritty between your teeth? Any unusual smell from it? If you burn a little of it, what colour...
  7. MrBosco


    Hey folks. An odd question maybe but when you show strangers/visitors/relatives your fish tanks, do they ever get curious about what's inside the cabinet under the tank and have a peek? I've been trying to find places to hide a small stealth grow with separate mother/cloning and flowering...
  8. MrBosco

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Been looking around for suppliers in Ireland today. News: growshop(dot)ie are setting up a new shop in Galway city. Great news for those of us in the west! :) Bad news is that their prices for some stuff are outrageous. 12 euro for a feckin airstone for example. This led me to have a look...
  9. MrBosco

    What is the "legalization" we all agree on?

    Correct. I want to see cannabis legalised and taxed in a manner similar to alcohol, but I don't believe the general population of most western countries would accept complete legalisation at this time. There is too much paranoia surrounding 'drugs' and so long as those who are not familiar...
  10. MrBosco

    What is the "legalization" we all agree on?

    I'm of two minds on this. I personally favour complete legalisation of private growing and use, and the regulation and taxation of commercial production and sale. I believe that regulating cannabis in the same manner as alcohol and tobacco is the only credible way to take cannabis off the black...
  11. MrBosco

    ICE from seed grow thread.

    What's the smoke like now that it's all dried and cured? What would you compare it to? I've got some Ice seeds myself along with a few other Nirvana strains (Snow White and Wonder Woman). I'll be in a position to germ a few soon but can't decide which to try first :)
  12. MrBosco

    what exactly happens in the curing process?

    Hey glann. Paper bags work in fairly dry climates to slow down air-drying. In desert areas in particular I believe that hang-drying can work so quickly that buds can become too dry after a couple of days of hanging for curing to continue once the buds are put into jars. Once buds dry out to...
  13. MrBosco

    what exactly happens in the curing process?

    Hey glann. If you can't yet smell the 'weedy' smell from the buds in the jars then the cure is probably still going on. While the bud is still moist it's mostly water that's evaporating from it, and so you will smell mainly the water-based chemicals in the buds such as chlorophyll (smells like...
  14. MrBosco

    CFL Cabinet Grow.

    Search through the 'plant problems' forum and look up 'eagle clawing' - when the leaves roll up and look like bird claws. I believe there are a few potential causes but the most common (as far as I know) is a build-up of salts, where the plant wants to draw in more water for transpiration but...
  15. MrBosco

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    Hey lilindian. I see you're tucking leaves under the screen. I guessed you were doing that in the beginning to allow more light to reach budding sites so new branches would sprout a bit quicker. Are you still tucking leaves with new sprouting in mind or have those tucked leaves just not...
  16. MrBosco

    Baking Soda

    Sodium Bicarbonate is alkaline, so it will raise PH, not lower it. In addition it is fairly mild, so you would need to add quite a lot of it to raise PH significantly. I would guess that if you were to use bicarbonate to raise PH in a hydro setup you might see similar problems to using 'hard'...
  17. MrBosco

    Caramello Hashish :) :)

    I grew to disslike that stuff when it was around a few years ago. It gets you properly wasted certainly but after a few days of regular smoking I used to get a horrible dirty cough from it, and when I smoked a lot of it in one night I'd usually get a headache that's not characteristic of good...
  18. MrBosco

    Question about CFL's and CFL growing!

    Hey Robbye. With bare bulbs you'd do best to take the advice of banfrivet and virulient above. Without reflection the bulbs will need to be close to the plant and surround it. You'll read all over these forums that CFL lumens drop off heavily a few inches away from the bulb and so they have to...
  19. MrBosco

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    Hey Stelthy. I'd be wary of using an ozone generator in a bedroom as it may have some ill effects on your health. Google 'Ozone generator safety' and the first link you'll find is a warning from the US Environmental Protection Agency on the effects of ozone. While I wouldn't be too worried...
  20. MrBosco

    Robot Apoc - what will you do O.O

    Don't worry, Keanu Reeves will save us.