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  1. J

    whats the best way to smoke this?

    I've never heard of wasting good weed, by mixing it with tobacco. And if it's too harsh without the tobacco, it obviously isn't even close to good weed.
  2. J

    Going to turn this closet into a clone room, suggestions and advice needed

    Cloning room or vegging room? If its just for cloning you'll have enough fresh air just opening the door to check on them and removing the humidity dome. Either way unless the door is sealed tight you should have enough air getting in and out from your fan. Set your fan on the floor sucking air...
  3. J

    spider mites

    I've heard nothing but good about Mighty Wash. Alot of growers swear by it. Neem is garbage for mites as far as I'm concerned. When I had roses I used Neem, and it was crap. Another product that is supposed to kick ass is No More Spidermites. You can't control mites, you have to erradicate them...
  4. J

    blue agave......

    The Blue Agave Necter is supposed to be really good for your plants, providing the sugars that you get with mollassas but with alot more nutrients. Have not tried it, but have read alot about it. Alot of people swear that it is better than mollassas. Check the search area for more info. I'm...
  5. J

    Almost 9 weeks flowering no trichomes 600w HPS Master kush

    Actually it's something I'm dealing with now. It's not a year old problem for me.
  6. J

    Almost 9 weeks flowering no trichomes 600w HPS Master kush

    I have the same problem with one of my plants, it looks they are twins. I grew mine from a FREE seed that I got from Amsterdam seeds.It has huge airy buds, but six weeks into flowering it has no trichs. All my other plants have nice tight buds, all have gotten the same care. I know that this...
  7. J

    They are ready to flower! Only a couple problems(pics)

    Definate nute burn! the brown never goes away,it just crumples off. Check your nutes website for a feeding schedual, and keep reading the forum. Don't kill them with attention, and over feeding. Keep an eye on your PH, probably the most important.
  8. J

    ducting hot air out of back of AC?

    Over 90 degrees plant stop producing the good stuff, and under 60 degrees will start to go dormant
  9. J

    ducting hot air out of back of AC?

    Ideal temp around 80 degrees. try to keep it as close to that as possible. Also keep an eye on the relative humidity. Shoot for 50 to 60 percent in vegging, and under 40 % for flowering. Lots of debate on the figures, but most people will agree they are in the general ballpark.