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  1. Cfarmer

    54 days into flowering pics

    how do you post postings on here damit!!!!!
  2. Cfarmer

    day 1 flower purple kush, day 76 veg afghan kush.

    5000 gajillion grams! haha jk alot
  3. Cfarmer

    curling of leaves????? HELP!

    why is that?
  4. Cfarmer

    curling of leaves????? HELP!

    probally heat your light bulb is probally no bueno. Also why do you have light cycle at 12/12 that's only for flowering?
  5. Cfarmer

    Aphids on leaves

    omg omg those pics look awesome im going to buy some since ive seen them at the nursery. Also they would be going on a inside plant so are you sure ladybugs wont hurt my plant?