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  1. F

    first aero build. help with questions.

    ok thanks for ur help. also when i build mine in a few days how close should i have the plants together? every foot or closer?
  2. F

    first aero build. help with questions.

    my questions are is my 296 gph sub pump good for this? will a 4 or 6 in pcv pipe make a differance in plant size? will the netpot size matter? i was gunna go 3- 4 what kind of timer should i use and time schedual for misting. im using general hydroponic nutes and its a 10 plant system. 2 rows...
  3. F

    Lighting Help

    yea thanks i was doin some reading on the t5s and decided would not get the yield i want and couldn't use my height to the full potential
  4. F

    how to use my space?

    yea right now im using unfem sour diesel 5 of them and 2 others idk but liked and got seed. strain recommendation?
  5. F

    how to use my space?

    did u mean 4 plants total or per 400watt hps? cuz four plants per light would give them ea 12x12in
  6. F

    Lighting Help

    im trying to get a max yield so i dont think the t5 would keep up with the 2 400watt hps's and its a 2x6 area. with good cooling i dont think the heat would be an issue.
  7. F

    What would YOU do in this closet space? Pictures included!!

    with out any ventilation i would not use a 400 but you could always go the led route. or just get a cooltube and fan and honestly id keep the two 150 there and test out the temp for a few days with no plants to make sure its not to hot.
  8. F

    Lighting Help

    yea cfm. sorry typo. but that didnt answer it.
  9. F

    cant decide what system is right for my hopes.

    kinda leaning to aero but iv never actually done it before. i have experience with drip and ebbn. was looking for something a little more efficient. it mists the roots every how long? and how easily do they transport after a month of veg? what do you recommend i veg in? because i always used...
  10. F

    how to use my space?

    yea i get that but am i going to get the same yield from the same genetics whether i have 4 plants or 10 plants in the grow room? and will the length of veg make a difference if light is the limiting factor? basically what i am stuck between is having 8 plants plants all flowering at the same...
  11. F

    how to use my space?

    i am in the process of building a 6x2x8 flowering room and would like to hear your options for my space. the lighting is gunna be 2 400w hps in cool tubes and a nice squearll cage. im trying to get a max yield per square foot. should i have two rows of 5? thats 1sq ft per plant. with a res in...
  12. F

    cant decide what system is right for my hopes.

    how would you say the results from nft would compare with aeroponics? since there kinda the same concept but nft is alot less parts.
  13. F

    Lighting Help

    any idea for a cfl rating? and should i just have one big one?
  14. F

    cant decide what system is right for my hopes.

    the plan for my 6x2x8 flowering room is to have 2 rows for 4 plants giving them 1sq foot ea for my sog and another 8 plants in the 2x2 area added halfway through flowering so i can have a harvest every 4-5 weeks. then after the 4 weeks in the small area they move to the larger area to stretch...
  15. F

    Lighting Help

  16. F

    Lighting Help

    i see what ur sayin :P you dont think two 400s would be overkill for that small area? (2x6) also (8 plants in the 2x4 1 month ahead)(8 in the 2x2 area for a month)sog if not id like to get these for lighting. ` two cool tube 400w for a good price...
  17. F

    Lighting Help

    bump. it. up.
  18. F

    Lighting Help

    a squearll cage with 270 cfl pulling through it and a circulating fan in there as well. would that be ok? how do you feel about 2 250watts being enough for the plants? i didnt want to use a 400watt because of the light being to directed below for 6x2
  19. F

    Lighting Help

    i would like to do a sea of green in my 2ft deep 6ft long and 6 ft tall room. the plan is to have eight 1ft pots in side by side so 4 by 2. and 8 plants in 2 by 2 area added a month later for a continous havest every 4-5weeks. then they would move to the big area 1 month into flowering so they...