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  1. D

    My first grow, Auto 'Critical' under CFL's! pic heavy

    Wow yours grew very differently to mine - mine grew with a single cola and didn't get offshoots until later on. Yours looks very healthy though! I just harvested one of my plants, (page 2 here Hows it
  2. D

    First Grow - AF Critical, Indoor grow.

    Yes! Today I decided to harvest one of the plants - It's probably a little early in the harvest window but it's certainly ready. here's a pic of the harvest from one plant. I have hung these in the cupboard to dry out and will try it when its dry and let you know how it smokes : )
  3. D

    First Grow - AF Critical, Indoor grow.

    I think it might actually be closer to 8 weeks in. I'll look up and see what soil I used but it's been a very basic grow, I have just kind of let it live its life and it seems to have done ok. I quick-dried and smoked a little of the bud yesterday and it tastes strongly of tropical fruit, with a...
  4. D

    First Grow - AF Critical, Indoor grow.

    Yes that's the same seeds! The flowers smell strongly of mango and pineapple, i found out that critical is a mixture of critical mass and White dwarf. But I have no idea what that means!
  5. D

    First Grow - AF Critical, Indoor grow.

    Great : ) Thanks for the advice guys. Has anyone ever heard of this strain 'Critical'? It smells VERY strongly of mango & pineapple!
  6. D

    First Grow - AF Critical, Indoor grow.

    Hi from Gothenberg! I am a beginner grower who is growing one plant for myself to smoke. I have made from the seed 'Critical' which is Autoflowering, this plant. It has been about 1.5 months alive. I have used 12/12 lighting since day 1. Fed tap water, added Nitrogen when there was a...