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  1. chilleddude

    Oh just let you know I got about 1 and a half oz per plant. Close to 5oz for all 3 plants...

    Oh just let you know I got about 1 and a half oz per plant. Close to 5oz for all 3 plants. Hopefully it will see me through my next grow. An oz where im from costs $300 (the American Dollar is doing shit) I spent about $400 dollars by the end of my grow. All I need to buy now is seeds and maybe...
  2. chilleddude

    Hey man, Im not to sure how much I can help you as im no expert (just one grow iunder my belt)...

    Hey man, Im not to sure how much I can help you as im no expert (just one grow iunder my belt). I only do small, organic, CFL gorws. I know I did amazing for my first attempt ever but 1-1/2oz is nothing compared to what some people get (16oz per plant). Let me know what you plan to do and I...
  3. chilleddude

    First grow ever completed!

    I would love the idea of taking a puff of Bushy Brows. For now i'll have to make do with a puff of the Perverted Sage, Granny Tsunade and Orochimaru :-P Im going to name my next plants after Naruto's parents: Minato and Kushina aka The Yellow Flash and The Red-Hot Habanero. I think its...
  4. chilleddude

    First grow ever completed!

    Oh yeah, The airpots are really good! I didnt get root bound at all considering I grew them only in 10ltr pots for 4 1/2 months. It can be a pain with water dripping out the holes the first water but after that the drippage is minimal and not a problem if your plant pots are in trays. Im gonna...
  5. chilleddude

    First grow ever completed!

    Thanks for all the positive comments guys, Yes I do love my anime haha, especially Naruto!!! It was my b-day last week (on harvest day!!!) so thats why I have all the cards. I named each of my three plants after one of the legendary sannin from Naruto thats why they have a pic on the jar, so...
  6. chilleddude

    First grow ever completed!

    Well guys today I finaly put my babies in jars for curing. Finaly completing my first attempt ever at growing green! (I know I still have to cure) Here's what I did: I grew 3 plants in total: 2 x Pineapple Chunk and 1 x NLxBigBud. I grew in a small gentlemans closet I picked up from a charity...
  7. chilleddude

    Curing question

    Thanks, I'll try not to cut them then unless they dont fit in the jar. Im sooo giddy its my first grow ever and soon i'll be able to smoke it :grin: Peace :peace:
  8. chilleddude

    Curing question

    Hi guys, Im going to manicure and put my buds into jars for curing. I just have a few simple questions: Do you cut the buds up into similar sized nuggets befor putting them into the jar, so that they all cure evenly? Or do you try to keep as much of the bud intact? Only cutting if it doesnt fit...
  9. chilleddude

    First Harvest Ever! Pics Inc

    Haha, The party begins in around a month but I might be able to have a warm up party with some of the popcorn buds in a couple of weeks :-P I already got my curing jars ready. I purchased some smelly candles in big sealed jars that i've been burning over the past few months. I had to put them...
  10. chilleddude

    First Harvest Ever! Pics Inc

    Thanks man, The reason it looks like I have the same on the drying rack as in the closet is because I moved them into the closet from the drying rack haha. Peace :peace:
  11. chilleddude

    First Harvest Ever! Pics Inc

    Yeah it was a free seed from Herbies. It actually grew really well and the buds are big and compact. It doesnt stink as much as the Pineapple Chunk but grew alot better, with alot less problems. Peace :peace:
  12. chilleddude

    First Harvest Ever! Pics Inc

    Hey guys, Just got back from watching the Dark Knight Returns (its basically the dark knight but alot more boring haha) The pineapple chunk was definately alot more sensative to nutes and temps compared to the NL but I still got lots of big buds from them. They suffered from minor nute burn...
  13. chilleddude

    First Harvest Ever! Pics Inc

    Thanks guys, I grew 3 plants. 2 x Pineapple Chunk and 1 x Northern Lights x Big Bud I grew in Bio Canna Terra soil in 10ltr airpots. I used the full Bio Canna range: Rhizo, Vega, Flora and Boost. I vegged under one 150watt blue cfl then added another 125watt blue later. For flower I used 3 x...
  14. chilleddude

    First Harvest Ever! Pics Inc

    Hi guys, Well its been along 4 and a half months but I finaly harvested my plants last night. It took me and my girlfriend 4 hours to chop and trim. Here are some pics of our effort: The buds were alot bigger than I expected (I didnt notice the growth under the canopy haha!) and the pictures...
  15. chilleddude

    Where do amber trichomes first appear? Pics Inc

    Hey guys, Just a quick update: I've started the 48hrs of darkness and shall be harvesting in a couple of days. I was gonna wait another week, but all the leaves were going yellow and some brown after I flushed on wednesday so I thought fuck it i'll harvest them now. Im so excited, the crazy...
  16. chilleddude

    Where do amber trichomes first appear? Pics Inc

    Yeah I will definately give you an update with pics in a week or so. I have thought about upgrading to a hps, but I would have to buy a new light,ballest and cool shade which would set me back atleast $100 on top of the other things im going to buy. Im going to see how I get along with my next...
  17. chilleddude

    ph water?

    Im using organic nutes and they say not to ph. Thats why I do it a night befor so I dont fuck up my nutes. Is this still wrong? Im going to buy some organic ph up/down for my next grow as this shouldnt harm my nutes. Peace :peace:
  18. chilleddude

    Where do amber trichomes first appear? Pics Inc

    Well done dude!!!! I've started to notice more amber trichomes appearing. Im going to harvest them next weekend. I could wait longer but the smell is stressing me out and I want to enjoy summer haha. I'll probably end up with about 5% amber like you. I definately wont get 5oz though. I would...
  19. chilleddude

    ph water?

    Hi, Im growing in soil and i've been ph'ing my water a day befor feed, then add my nutes. I use tap water which has a ph level of 8.4. I leave it to stand for 3 days then ph down to 6.4 then the next day I add nutes and feed. Is this ok? It's my first grow and im still learning. Peace
  20. chilleddude

    First grow WoS Auto Northern Lights x Big Bud

    Hey man, I know mine wasnt auto but it took no more than 6 weeks until flower for me. When I flipped the lights they flowered very quickly, then slowed due to issues with my environment. I'll be harvesting my babies nxt wknd, in total it would of been 10 weeks flowering for me, but I could of...