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  1. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    Nice, def interested in how it goes will watch your journal! I am getting ready to chop a ww I did in soil and it smells all kinds of fruity and the buds are rock hard! I also have nirvanas ppp going and am interested in how it will be!! Rock on bro im gonna friend you or whatever on here so I...
  2. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    Hey thanks, my guy at the hydro store said it holds to much oxygen for that, bullshit! @johny - noticed your sig is some nirvana gear, how did u like it? These happen to be nirvana ww
  3. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    No water for 60+ hours and cubes are starting to dry a bit, fml I was way over loving these whores! Thanks for all the suggestions
  4. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    Doing ebb and flow if this ever goes next time will be hydroton 4 sure
  5. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    This is my first time in the cubes! Do you prefer hydroton in netpots??
  6. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    Well found some white brownish sludge in the res last night around my air stone, after consulting with a friend I think folks what we have is pythium root rot. So I haven't watered in over 24 hours as my cubes are still wet! Any ideas on a solution? Gonna flush with h2o2 tonight??
  7. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    @bk - I flushed a week ago and stuff started looking better gonna flush again today if I ever quit shitting! Ph was at 6.4 this am and 610ppm but that is as high as I have seen my ppm using dyna
  8. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    @bam - the lights are about 36 to 42 inches away I thought heat stress to going from cloner under t5 to under 1k watt?? @ jack - no these ladies were taken off of my mother tho it almost looks like she has pr-flowers in veg, these r ww and I have been feeding mother a and b?
  9. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    Thanks for all the replys, come to think of it I never calibrated either of my meters just used them straight out of the box? Blue lab ph and ppm, should these have been calibrated by me? Guy at dro store says they should be good? Thanks again for the quick replys, will look into any and all ideas!
  10. F

    Foliage curled - claw?

    Have some ladies that came out of my cloner! I damaged the roots as they had grown around the collars. Been in veg under 1k Hps, ebb and flow in 6" rw cubes. Ph 5.8 - 6.4 with dyna-gro, not a huge fan. Does this look like the claw?? I don't know what else to do, have flushed and started fresh...
  11. F

    Please give opinions - is my crop doomed?

    Well harvested bout 5 to 6 days ago and no seeds folks, thanks for your help!
  12. F

    Am i ready? Looking for.opinions on when to harvest

    Also do you look at trich heads or stalk? Both? The look like tear drops almost with a stem and a little round head
  13. F

    Am i ready? Looking for.opinions on when to harvest

    Please let me know if you think its time. Its week 8 bagseed, some type of lemon?? My guy called it lemon drop, hard for me to see trichs with loupw (<<sp? :/) been flushed for 10 days in ffof. Thanksbongsmilie
  14. F

    how to check out at attitude?

    Yo everybody, so I want the chocolope from dna but can't figure out how to see my cart etc... on the tude! Ordered from nirvana no prob. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Puff puff, fuck you im not passin this shit!
  15. F

    Buying seeds online punishment.

    ^^^^^ no shit, there are times I can't fuckin sleep and this fool is worried about beans!!
  16. F

    Opinions on possible hermi, please!

    Thanks for the bit of knowledge, evidently I have not made it that far in my book, so my feeding schedule is off then?? Im using the ff trio in roots organic! O am I on schedule there just not as far along as I thought?
  17. F

    Nirvana WW Fem

    Girls broke dirt so far so good
  18. F

    Opinions on possible hermi, please!

    Should I say now im kind of..
  19. F

    Opinions on possible hermi, please!

    Thanks, I was kind of thinking almost 6 weeks into flower there would be seeds on my tent floor, no?