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  1. Cory and trevor

    Rare Dankness - Somali Taxi Ride

    She is great! Probably an 8 out of 10 for energy. Smoked momentum 100% whatever you start after you smoke it; you finish! Good to hear from ya the man. If anyone is still around here maybe I'll post this summer breeding project.
  2. Cory and trevor

    Rare Dankness - Somali Taxi Ride

    Gladstoned???? You still around? I just finished this strain and remembered you ran it way back so......if you're out there Holler bro!!!!!!
  3. Cory and trevor


    Anybody know what the prices are at genotype a2? I'm sure it varies on strain but I'd like a ballpark before I pop in.
  4. Cory and trevor

    Fat Marty's cheese f2???

    In the same vein; you ever use strainly? I'm looking around and it ain't like the farm market days at all. People are fucking tight with their clones/genes now. I risked mold and pests back then but for legit genetics it was worth that hassle. Building a lil garden of elites is alot harder...
  5. Cory and trevor

    Fat Marty's cheese f2???

    Bro. The plant I got would have like 100 smells all depending on what phase it was in. She would have a smell for bud set and that changed when it was ripe. Then at harvest it would be completely different. I swear when it cured it would start out smelling like watermelon or cherry jolly...
  6. Cory and trevor

    Fat Marty's cheese f2???

    Looking time no post my dude! Thanks, I hope I can find something like it because I told I had that strain...I had tasted nothing like it. By far best taste and high I ever had and the smells. I never got used to it, it always lit me up no matter how long I been smoking it too. Hope you're...
  7. Cory and trevor

    Fat Marty's cheese f2???

    I had this from seed for years then had to shut down temporarily...and y'all know the story. My boy didn't do what he said and it's now lost. If anyone has this strain I'd be very grateful, and willing to express that gratitude in many ways, if I could get a cut. Aware it's a long shot, check...
  8. Cory and trevor


    I been out the game for a long while now, I remember being able to get any clone thru farm markets all around Jackson but now that the corporate takeover is complete what are you guys doing about genetics? About to get back into it and don't want to sift 100 or so seeds to get some good ones...
  9. Cory and trevor

    Dr. Kevorkian

    Where is a nurse when you need one? Seed Pac have any connections to the kevork?
  10. Cory and trevor

    Dr. Kevorkian

    So I'm Craig's list dumb, how the neck do I search for that? I'm getting nothing.
  11. Cory and trevor

    Dr. Kevorkian

    On a long....long shot, does anyone have this strain? Post the nostalgia if you don't have but remember her fondly.
  12. Cory and trevor

    Rice hulls in Michigan

    My local homebrew shop in jackson carries rice hulls. Cork n capp. Same thing you're looking for? Should be easy to source through homebrew stores and websites.
  13. Cory and trevor

    Pure MI seeds?

    They are stocked at the jackson county compassion club on Michigan ave in jackson mi.
  14. Cory and trevor

    Pure MI seeds?

    I ran poison kush. Many people liked it. I tossed it, highest thc lab result was on 12%. Not saying they all will test that low, or even that high. Just my personal experience. Tupac was the same, people loved it but for me it was weak sauce. The guys work hard, of that I have no questions.
  15. Cory and trevor

    I Nominate TheMan13

    Still don't know what the beef is/was that lead to this. Infighting is the way "they" dismantle "US", that much I'm sure of. Enemy of my enemy... and all that. Not a fan of doctor Bob or all of his views but I can disagree with him and still realize we are on the same side and he is an asset...
  16. Cory and trevor

    I Nominate TheMan13

    I don't know what the beef is. You're both cool in my book.
  17. Cory and trevor

    I Nominate TheMan13

    My typing is bad. Lol.
  18. Cory and trevor

    I Nominate TheMan13

    You have the respect of the respectful and the admiration of the intelligent. The rest are so my that:the rest. But it's short sighted of me to think you can just ignore the fools.
  19. Cory and trevor

    Pure MI seeds?

    Pure michigan genetics is out of jackson. I'm no longer a part of the company but I was, so I know: it's not a dea anything. Just dudes making seeds from the best plants they can get hold of.