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    **need HELP with choosing a 150w hps system for my first AF indoor closet grow**

    @kushnotbush; yea that's what i first had in mind but the one i seen on eBay was already used. and on the HTG site the shipping is too much, when i still got more supplies that i need. you have any discounts for that site?
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    **need HELP with choosing a 150w hps system for my first AF indoor closet grow**

    hey everyone, im trying to start my very first indoor closet grow but i needed help choosing a 150w HPS system. the space im going to be growing in only measures: 2.5ft length x 2ft wide x 5.2ft height . *i seen some on eBay and I needed advice on which brand would be better to start with. here...
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    Could This Work? 150w hps indoor autoflowering grow.

    could anyone please help me out with my first grow that has spare time? I would really appreciate it (:
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    Could This Work? 150w hps indoor autoflowering grow.

    thanks for all this help man. & yea im going to be using FFOF soil, what nutrients should i get for these autoflowering plants? I seen you were growing the same super cali haze strain, how was that? I just received my seeds yesterday. oh yea, would putting reflective mylar improve my yield any more?
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    Could This Work? 150w hps indoor autoflowering grow.

    Ima start with one & maybe start a 2nd one half way during my first seed...
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    any cheap 250w hps grow light systems?
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    Could This Work? 150w hps indoor autoflowering grow.

    I was wondering if FFOF and a HTGSupply 150 watt High Pressure Sodium Grow Light or FLORALUX 150w HPS Mini Grow Light would work for an Autoflowering Indoor Closet grow would work? it's not that big of space, 4.5ft length, 2ft wide, & 6ft tall. -Any comments or tips would really help me in my...
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    What's up RIU fam, indoor growing questions. help?

    @cacamal: that's what i was gonna go with at first but i realized that's too much on a grow light for my first grow, you know? do you kno of a sight with good prices?
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    What's up RIU fam, indoor growing questions. help?

    I was wondering if FFOF and a HTGSupply 150 watt High Pressure Sodium Grow Light or FLORALUX 150w HPS Mini Grow Light would work for an Autoflowering Indoor Closet grow would work? it's not that big of space, 4.5ft length, 2ft wide, & 6ft tall. -Any comments or tips would really help me in my...