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  1. mrmcfly

    When to cut down?

    Thank you
  2. mrmcfly

    When to cut down?

    I understand but I'm asking should the tops be half n half or full amber
  3. mrmcfly

    When to cut down?

    I have read that you are supposed to chop when trichomes are say half amber n half cloudy (depending on what ur going for) so that the cloudy ones will catch up during cure. I always thought that meant when u look at a scope n see some amber n some cloudy next to each other in the same area but...
  4. mrmcfly

    Winding cords?

    Here is a picture of what I'm talking about. I wrapped them back n forth, not like a coil. I might just be overthinking things but I remembered something about it creating extra heat/ issues and couldn't find an answer whether it might damage equipment. I think I might just turn them on for a...
  5. mrmcfly

    Winding cords?

    Hey I'm just wondering if it's ok to wind the cords up on my lights to keep them out of the way n tidy? Something makes me think it might not be good for them so I figured I should ask. 600 w hps by the way. Thanks
  6. mrmcfly

    How Did You Do In 2010?

    Had a good year... just not on the books :)
  7. mrmcfly

    Intrested in making $210 off an ounce of reg???

    Bro.... what were u thinking starting a stupid ass thread like this anyway?? HOW TO RIP SOMEONE OFF N GET PUNCHED OUT should be the name of it. no doubt it turned negative
  8. mrmcfly

    Couldn't Pay For Elite membership

    Ditto.... I feel left out
  9. mrmcfly

    1000watt sea of green.. 72 plants

    Ive never been fucked over in my life like i have been today! I had 30 of my clones at a friends house because i didnt have enough room, we got into an argument, he turned the lights off on my plants and half of them died, as well as the mothers that were there. thats about 1/3 of my clones and...
  10. mrmcfly

    Pest Control

    is it a bad idea to spray plants with insecticides during the rooting of clones? i have a bad mite problem and dont want to lose my clones. any input greatly appreciated
  11. mrmcfly

    1000watt sea of green.. 72 plants

    im waiting for my clones to root right now, then im in business. Im gonna get a camera off a friend or something. i cant afford to buy one at the moment, given the money i had to fork out for this op.
  12. mrmcfly

    1000watt sea of green.. 72 plants

    i took 89 clones last night(15 white rhino, 35 mr nice and 39 grapefruit). i need 2 of each strain for new mothers then im putting the best 70 into bud when they have some nice strong roots. hopefully i have the new fan by then as well. its like 50 mins to the closest hydro store and i dont...
  13. mrmcfly

    1000watt sea of green.. 72 plants

    this is my 1st time doin a sog so i dont know what to expect. i grew 4 plants in a closet under a 250w and got 1-1/2 - 2 os each. i figured id lose quite a bit due to the crampedness in this grow though. i just checked the faq and it says 1 plant per sq ft so that it is. thanks alot for the...
  14. mrmcfly

    1000watt sea of green.. 72 plants

    when people r talking about plant spacing, r u taking into account that im doing a sog? i mean 9 plants at approx 1/2 o a piece is only 4,5 ounces? thats nothing!!! i spent more than that on the light and cooltube. anyone with a similar setup out there?
  15. mrmcfly

    1000watt sea of green.. 72 plants

    i turned everthing on last night and the temp was still at 83 with the air conditioner so im goin to upgrade to the 6" model of fan(its over 400cfm) today or tomorrow. Im going to b vegging for maybe a week, until the plants are 6" or so. the room is 6X6 and the growing area is 4X4...
  16. mrmcfly

    1000watt sea of green.. 72 plants

    Another question: will 6 inch pots be enough to flower in? i heard 1 plant per sq ft, but im not sure if that applies to SOG. Any advice greatly appreciated
  17. mrmcfly

    What to do about bugs eating leaves. HELP!

    DR DOOM! for like 25 bucks, u can de-bug ALOT of plants. check ur local hydro store
  18. mrmcfly

    1000watt sea of green.. 72 plants

    Heres the scoop. I came into a bit of money and im sick of buy weed all the time! I'm done setting up my room and just about to take probably 100 or so clones from some mothers ive had at a friends house (extras will be new mothers or discarded, just need to get them out of there). Right now ive...
  19. mrmcfly

    Paint fumes

    well, i put 6 babies in and it doesnt seem to be hurting the. its been 2 days and theyre still alive. thanks for the input guys
  20. mrmcfly

    Paint fumes

    i just made one of those rubbermaid grow boxes and i spraypainted the inside flat white. r the fumes from the paint bad for my plants tho? it has stunk 4 2 days