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  1. J

    Curing.... Help

    how often should i open the jar to air out so mold doesnt start
  2. J

    Curing.... Help

    my bud has been hanging for 5 days now... can i start to cure it in a paper bag? please help me, i want this to turn out good this time.
  3. J

    Harvesting Seeds?

    i have a hermi that produced some seeds. iv picked them off the bud, so do i need to let them sit and dry out first?? and how long do i have to wait before i can germinate them??
  4. J

    Help.... Curing!!!

    thanks. i found the section but cant find what i want to know... if any of ya can help me out.. 1. how loong do i want to keep them in the jars before i can get good smoke. 2. hot long should i eave them on the screens before putting them in the jars
  5. J

    Help.... Curing!!!

    and they cure really nicely in the jar method? also, i wana let it air out from the jar 4-5x a day so it does get moldy right?
  6. J

    Help.... Curing!!!

    what is the best way to cure my bud... hang it upside down, or lat it on screens? i have a de-humidifyer by it as well.
  7. J


    i have 3 white widow and 2 blueberry. they are 6 weeks in bud and the blueberry are starting to get some seeds. but i have no males. why is this? does this mean that the blueberry is a hermi? because i bought all feminized seeds
  8. J

    Big Bud!!

    Can i use Big Bud by advanced nutrients all through weeks 1-8 if i wanted to of bloom. Or should i just stick to to using it for 4 weeks? does anyone have any input
  9. J

    Clones Help

    Can i take clones from a plant that is already in bloom?
  10. J

    What Should I Use to Tie My Plants Down?

    Can i use dental floss if i tie it loosely around the branches or??
  11. J

    Dead Leaves?

    Well its just at the very bottom. the tops are starting to get to close to the light and i cant really move it up to far anymore. and in bud they r still growing. tie it down with dental floss alright?
  12. J

    Dead Leaves?

    thanks a lot for the help! since they are getting enough light down there because its getting kind of crowded in the grow box, can i tie some branches down a bit so more light hits the bottom?
  13. J

    Dead Leaves?

    my plant's are about 3 feet tall. But at the very bottom and up about 6 inches the leaves are starting to turn yellow and dry out. Should i cut them off since they are about to fall off anyways?
  14. J

    Please help, I made a mistake! in bloom!!

    ok thanks a lot man.. so if i just tie the tops down it wont hurt the plants too much?
  15. J

    Please help, I made a mistake! in bloom!!

    I have white widow in DWC right now and they are bout 2 and 1/2 tall. But now they are 2 feet away from the top of my grow box and i am using a 1000 watt digital ballast. will they grow to tall in bloom? i just switched them today? any information from you guys would be awesome right now.
  16. J

    Cloning!!! Help!!!

    thnx guys.. wat is better peat pellets or rockwool? also where bouts should i make my final cut? 45 degrees right on a node?
  17. J

    connoisseur A&B?

    wow thnx man.. whats gmb lol?
  18. J

    Cloning!!! Help!!!

    instead on the traditional cut the clone stick it in rockwool.. can i take my cutting, dip it in rooting hormone then sit the part of the stem i want to root in a cup of water? iv been reading up and it roots pretty fast.. also can i use a 10cfl for lighting light? please guys if u can give me...
  19. J

    connoisseur A&B?

    a&b is what i will go with thnx.. WHAT? really? bcuz big bud is more expensive i think haha... bud candy it is.. what about carbo load, nirvana, or hammer head? any of those guna help my yield size?
  20. J

    connoisseur A&B?

    thanks alot for the feed back.. what other advanced nutrients products should i try to keep it simple for myself, in the bloom phase... im thinking big bud, bud candy, umm any others that will give me maximum yeild? im in no way an expert grower haha