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  1. mariguana

    Best strain for a beginner/growbox

    yeah,seems to be
  2. mariguana

    Best strain for a beginner/growbox

    yeah iv been hearing he same,im ordering lowryder and red dwarf
  3. mariguana

    Best strain for a beginner/growbox

    thanks for the replies,yeah im definetly going for an autoflowering strain,yield and potency is not a big problem. i dont care too much about that,i just wanna grow some plants. Its defianttley indica also,do any of you guys no any good sed banks online with good prices?
  4. mariguana

    Best strain for a beginner/growbox

    thanks,i was thinking of lowryder #2,is that strain any good?
  5. mariguana

    Best strain for a beginner/growbox

    hey guys,i have a question. Im making a pc growbox and am unsure about a strain that will grow small and yeild a nice little bud. My pc grow box is fairly big and i am going to have cfls inside. potency of the bud is not that important,i am more intrested in geting a few plants going for me...
  6. mariguana

    Funny Stories?

    Its was prob little droplets
  7. mariguana

    Height problem (greenhouse)

    I experienced the same problem,what i did was tie themn down so the could still grow but not dyeing
  8. mariguana

    PC fan wiring question

    yep mate,your safe,what wattage is your psu
  9. mariguana

    marijuana plants stay falling over

    hey, my outdoor grow has only been planted 2 weeks and the plants are already falling over,they only have about 4-6 leaves each. the are very tall but cannot hold the weeight of the leaves,help plz plz:eyesmoke::-?:-?:-?:confused::confused::confused: