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  1. H Legit?

    i have purchased from these 12G13,12JH 4 never germinated and the rest were all males GUTTED!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. H


    no as far as i am aware nothing was spilt but the picture is of two different plants
  3. H


    Can any1 tell me what has happend to these leaves im growing outdoors so it cant be light scorch any ideas??
  4. H

    Girls or Boyz

    yes been outside this morn got my first white hairs YEY this is my first outside grow usally grow indoors 10of the little buggers i do have a couple with some damage to the leaves i have uploaded them in plant probs soany advise woul be great. ps how did you circle the hairs like that?
  5. H

    help needed pls

    can any1 tell me what this is on my leaves it started by goin dark green and then to this???
  6. H

    girls or boys

    you can i think i need to get closer wiv the camera
  7. H

    Girls or Boyz

    yeah couldnt zoom in without it goin blury but there is somthing there ,to me dont look like balls more like the start of pistills first time i have grown otside/greenhouse so im struggling to tell. I will try an get some closeups i have to say the fu***ng stink!! :O)
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    girls or boys

    what do you all think girls or boys?
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    help needed pls

    any ideas what it might be
  10. H

    Girls or Boyz

    so what do you all think girls or boys
  11. H

    help needed pls

    these are my little girls can any1 tell me what these marks are?
  12. H

    help needed pls

    how do i do the link?
  13. H

    help needed pls

    i cant get them to upload on advanced setting either they are supported by jpeg
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    Hi every one i am new here but not new to growing this will be my 10th year,this year is my first outdoor/greenhouse grow any help navagating this site would be very much appreciated also how do i upload pic and create an album?
  15. H

    help needed pls

    can any1 tell what is wrong with my plants ph is fine and i am using bio bizz just changing to bloom plants are 5 weeks old and can any1 tell me how to upload a photo then maybee this thread will make more sense
  16. H

    hash,cash pie n mash :~)

    hash,cash pie n mash :~)
  17. H

    Think I Can Figure It Out?

    Hi dopeyG this has been buggin me all day as i didnt want to give you any wrong info so i did a bit of research i came across a picture very simular as yours but was alot worse it suggested you may have high PH here is a list of what you can use depending on your circomstances sawdust...
  18. H

    Think I Can Figure It Out?

    what nutrients are you using?if any ,also how often are you using nutrients/water these are the questions i would ask myself first, if you are using a mirical grow type maybee think about switchin to a more advanced fertiliser with micro nutrients,also if you r using a fertiliser how often and...
  19. H

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    awsome guide would you mind if i added remedy for all the simptons and the best and quickest way to applt them? :O)