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  1. R

    Cold Grow In uninsulated/unheated Metal Shed

    You'll get nute lockout if the res water gets too cold. Put an aquarium heater in there.
  2. R

    Continued cloning woes

    I thought of that too. A thermometer on the pad shows it to be over 100 degrees! A little air-gap via a cookie cooling rack and I'm back to about 70 degrees. I had to tape off 2/3 of my PC fans to maintain temps but with Winter coming on fast, I assume more adjustments will be needed as my...
  3. R

    Continued cloning woes

    Hmm, ok. Switch to water? Please explain. Massah: No, the domes are actually 1L water bottles whith the bottoms cut out. I cock them to the side a bit so some air does get in. The rockwool dries out pretty fast so that's why I've been watering daily (about 1tsp)--too much? The twist-ties...
  4. R

    Clone Transplanting

    How does a cloner NOT over-water the rockwool, I mean it's just sitting in the water right?
  5. R

    Continued cloning woes

    I do have a friend with the same strain where I can get veg cuttings, but I don't want to waster her time if they are going to die anyway. I need to get this fixed.
  6. R

    Continued cloning woes

    I'm sending this out again since I continue to have problems. Maybe I can be more clear this time. I have a DWC bubbler and one plant doing GREAT. I've tried to get cuttings from this plant to root in rockwool, but out of 12 tries, I have got 12 failures. I just need ONE to keep going as my...
  7. R

    Compresed air ?

    Air is heated only when compressed (think high pressure vs low pressure areas in weather). When it expands, it cools. It's like any other gas; Imagine Freon gas in an air conditioner--just not as cold. As long as it's away from the grow area, additional heat won't be an issue PLUS you get the...
  8. R

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Very standard Ad Hominem. When you cant argue with logic, go to the attack; works on the weak-minded every time.
  9. R

    Too Lush?

    Hi folks. I have a single clone (all I had left after a lighting mishap), sitting in a netpot with the usual rockwool and not-so-usual black volcanic cinder rock. I am growing under 10 100w equiv daylight CFLs because of heat issues in my closet. I am using the TechFlo Recipe for Success kit...
  10. R

    Trouble starting seeds in rockwool

    Thanks for a all the great info. Will try something new (as soon as I clean up this mess I made).
  11. R

    Trouble starting seeds in rockwool

    I'm having some trouble getting my seeds to germinate in rockwool. They sprout fine in papertowel but they just tend to rot or do nothing in the rockwool. I'm using ph corrected water to soak them first. i then tightly cover them in a tupperware container and set it in a wark, dark place. 2...