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  1. F

    Brix Levels; it's relevance to cannabis carbohydrate loading and enzymatic breakdown.

    This might be the best thread (most technical, informative, interesting) on rollitup. I don't usually post, but feel compelled to thank LP, kill spam, and everyone else who posted.
  2. F

    week 6 of flower HERMIE or what??? Thoughts Please!

    Nobody ever posts what happened... I need closure.
  3. F

    air cooled lights V non air cooled lights.

    Y'all need to chill out. Moke' up and forget this foolishness.
  4. F

    Updated 400 Watt Grow! Unknown Strain & First Grow REALLY NICE!

    Sympathy Post. Seems a little small for the time your talking about, even within the same strain and batch of clones, some plants just grow slowly. Upside to this, the little slow ones will sometimes surprise you with their yield. Did you veg under 400 watt MH?
  5. F

    Worried About Having Used Miracle Grow Potting Soil

    Be careful to under-water a little bit if you can. Most MG fertilizers are time release and release nutrients based on water exposure (short version). That means the more water you use, the more fertilizer you release. Too much (easy to do) will burn your plants. Don't add any nutes during...