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  1. smokeymcpiff

    Droopy curled leaves with what looks to be nutrient burn ?

    Getting 28% Humidity ? Is this to low for veg ?
  2. smokeymcpiff

    Droopy curled leaves with what looks to be nutrient burn ?

    There is good air circulation i have a 10Inch extraction fan in the room which also pulls fresh air in through ducting and then through a carbon filter on the ceiling it sucks a lot of air through, im just about to go check them ill go check the humidity, are the purple stems a sign of too much...
  3. smokeymcpiff

    Droopy curled leaves with what looks to be nutrient burn ?

    Hello iv got a problem with my plants, The leaves are curled at the ends and they look droopy, they have discoloration that looks like nute burn but im not sure ? One of the plants looks worse then the other's and the ec had gone up to 2.1 while i left the plants with my dad for a few days ! i...
  4. smokeymcpiff

    Topping, And cooling my water ?

    Its not near any heat source other then the lights, i dont have cool shades beacuse i dont want the actual room temprature to drop, the water is changing we put ice in and it goeS DOWN TO 18c and will rise rapidly All the way upto 25c if we let it, were fighting a losing battle ? will my air...
  5. smokeymcpiff

    Topping, And cooling my water ?

    Ok so i have done 4 grows now, 3 indoor and 1 outside, the 3 plants i have grown indoors have all been really Bushy and i have lost alot of buds because they were inside the plant all covered by leaves, im just wondering if you get the same yield if i dont top them so they will grow more upright...
  6. smokeymcpiff

    Removing Fan leaves befor harvest ?

    Ok so my plants are just starting there 8th week of flower now, im wondering if i can take all the fan leaves off to allow some light to get to the lower buds ? the plant has this week left to grow and then a week flushing will this be enough time for the bottom buds to ahrden up a bit ?? or am...
  7. smokeymcpiff

    Trimming leaves to allow light ?

    My plants have been in flowering for 3 weeks, today is the start of the 4th, there quite larger and i was wondering if i could cut a few of the leaves around the base and in the center to allow a bit more light to the inner buds ? Heres a pic of my plants, im growing DWC :) Would this be...
  8. smokeymcpiff

    Questions for Legal Buds: International Oddities - Krypto

    They dont they have a synthetic canabonid in them, Hope this helps i would give you more infor but im rushed on time, i have experienced the canabonies in pure powder form and i can tell how there simaler to marijuana but your never going to find...
  9. smokeymcpiff

    Yelowing leaves + clawing... (Pics)

    ph is 5.7 DWC Sep up
  10. smokeymcpiff

    Yelowing leaves + clawing... (Pics)

    Ok heres my problem, the leaves on the plant look to have nute burn ? But i dont see why as im in my second week of flowering and only just got to 1.6 EC ? if you need and more info just ask please, Nutes = Canna A+B Here's the pics:
  11. smokeymcpiff

    cooling my res

    Chiller's are expensive, i used the 2 litre bottle method and also on really warm days i would take water out of my res and replace it with cooled water which kept them down even more ! i found that the res temps were the hardest part of my dwc grow, Good Luck!
  12. smokeymcpiff

    Do my roots look okay?

    Lights being that close will.deffitnly increase res remps quite alot my temps were at about 80 befor i started adding ice. Adding the frozen bottles took them down to 70 and below and t improved my res loads i have a threas about my plants being stuntted and one of the major problems were res...
  13. smokeymcpiff

    Quite a few problems (Pics and lots of detail)

    thanks knourgro ill look into it maybe try adding some of these after i change them on sunday, doing to raise the ec a bit more on sunday too as they havent burnt after rasing it to 1.2, i think the burn's in the pictures above were because i added the nutes straight to the res while all the...
  14. smokeymcpiff

    Quite a few problems (Pics and lots of detail)

    Thanks guys, iv been away from my plants for a few days going back tmmoro night as iv had some stuff to do, left them in the hands of my dad ! hope he hasn't destroyed them like he did last time !
  15. smokeymcpiff

    Quite a few problems (Pics and lots of detail)

    i cant understand how its nute burn when the EC is at 1.0 but the website states that the ec should be up at 1.6 ! this is what confuses me, also what happens to plants if the nute level is too low ?
  16. smokeymcpiff

    Quite a few problems (Pics and lots of detail)

    Ok so iv got 4 plants growing in 4 seperate DWC buckets (home made system) that were started off as clones around 5 and a half weeks ago. the plants suffered from high res temps around 2 weeks ago causing them to have root slime/rot, iv fixed this issue by using Cannazym its removed the slime...
  17. smokeymcpiff

    leaves turned brown !?!

    i changed over to flowering nutes today and iv noticed the leaves at the top turned a bit brown only a few of them, i was thinking and it of touched the light when i picked it up not sure if its burnt or just cause of the nute change ? heres the pics
  18. smokeymcpiff

    What happens if my ec levels are too low ?

    iv got 4 plants and there stunted but iv kept the ec levels at 1.0 and there 5 weeks into veg im guessing this is too low ?? what happens if the ec of my nutes is too low !? one of my plants is alot smaller then the others should i have a lower ec for that plant ?? any help appreciated. Thanks.
  19. smokeymcpiff

    What happens if my ec levels are too low ?

    iv got 4 plants and there stunted but iv kept the ec levels at 1.0 and there 5 weeks into veg im guessing this is too low ?? what happens if the ec of my nutes is too low !? one of my plants is alot smaller then the others should i have a lower ec for that plant ?? any help appreciated. Thanks.
  20. smokeymcpiff

    Anyone Play League of Legends?

    i played WOW :) human palladin :D i moved to LOL about a month or so ago and i really enjoy it :) i play EU.