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    2.5 week flowering, one mid-plant bud's pistils are orange/brown. HELP

    Mine have had the same thing happen man but look like it's just the ones getting less light for me so I've left everything as it is and waiting for them to get nice and juicy! Hope your solution is this easy!
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    How far from harvest?

    i just had a look and the white siberian is pretty much an exact match for looks, hopefully it is. spewin i didnt take a clone now :( ive decided to keep it on nutes for another few days then flush as the white hairs dont seem to be stopping just yet
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    Experimental Bonsai + First Time Grower = Brown leaves!

    hey dude, dont listen to them all, i grew bonsais and had no probs at all. they were only 4 weeks into veg as well. i used a clear plastic beer cup, pottiing mix, miracle grow fert and 1x23w cfl that was 1.5inches from the crown, it had 3 nodes and all i can say is i only got 1.5g from 3...
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    cfl lighting advice?

    i am 2 weeks away from harvest and all i have used is fluro :) they work man, ive impressed a few mates who didnt know it was possible. the first grow i grew 3" bonsais with 1x23w cfl. worked fine. now i have a 3ft plant and i have 3x23w cfl, 5x20w flurecent tubes and a 40w household style bulb...
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    How far from harvest?

    is there any way to get a combination of both? :)
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    How far from harvest?

    to be honest, i have no idea, found a seed in some stuff i scored. lol. it has a real fruity (slightly like mango) smell to it when you stir her up, and very very smooth to smoke, even just quick dried.
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    How far from harvest?

    sweet. i was having my doubts on whether she was gonna b good or not, and will start flushing tomorrow. :) i had a little sample, better than what im used to so im excited to try final product! glad i asked when to harvest as was thinking of doing it in the next few days. lol
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    How far from harvest?

    Hey guys, this is my second grow, my first grow were 3" bonsais so i am not too sure now with my big baby. its about 3ft tall this time in a cupboard with 3x42w cfl, 5x20w fluro tubes and 1x40w normal household lightbulb. she is exactly 7 weeks into flower and i have started to back off the...
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    Smaller Plant. Better Bud?

    This is my first attempt. I've been caring for my little ones for some time now. They are into flower, and only reach apprx 6-7inch tall. I have been growing them under cfls of all spectrums. Strong in all. Feeding them well. And they are generally in good health. My question is, because the...
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    New to MH Lighting

    cheers. as i said bro, i just have the globe. i have no idea what it even plugs into. thats what im trying to find out. dont wanna go to the local store and say im growin weed, help! lol just need to know what e;lse i need to buy to get the globe in use :) (without causing a fire hazard)
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    New to MH Lighting

    i have a 400w super metal halide globe i can use, but should i change to it now with only 8 weeks to go? and if so, what is a complete list of things with rough costs as to what i need to use this metal halide globe? i really am noob to HID lighting
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    New to MH Lighting

    Before you read, i'd like to note this is my first grow. I have grown seedlings into nice bonsai plants, i have already posted pics of them starting to bud in another thread. so far they are doing quite well :) now i have read many threads on MH vs HPS lighting and i have seen that majority...
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    Bonsai Buds

    oh and i forgot to mention, i have put plenty of drainage into the bottom of the cups they are in. will post more pics tomorrow. ill take some when they wake up :)
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    Bonsai Buds

    Thankyou for your reply. A lot of the things you have mentioned i have done on purpose (experimenting) as i have not found a lot of clear, reliable information on bonsai bud growing across the internet. not saying the information isnt out there, just not all sumed up in one. I read many threads...
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    Bonsai Buds

    Hey all. This little girl is 7 inches tall from base of pot to tip of crown :) (Bonsai) This is also my first attempt :) Under 12/12 with an 18w red spectrum flurecent tube from the local pet store, and 2 x 15w CFLs with aluminum can reflecters. Dirt cheap setup. Used MG diluted in water...