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    Major problem

    i was hoping the same thing as far as giving it time to recover and hopefully it don't get any worse. tonight is my feeding night too so i will probably just give them straight h2o and no nutes just in case.
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    Major problem

    I had an infestation of Thrips for the first time ever. Ive had spider mites before and found a way to deal with them by using a hotshot pest strip but those things are no good for thrips so unfortuneltly I had to deal with them as they were eating the crap out of my plants. I purchased...
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    Emergency plant problem

    No offense but I am definitly sticking with organics over chemical. I love the GO line, I think I just got a little too carried away when I was feeding. I'm always pushing the limits to see what I can do and what I can't to get the most out of my Ladies. I will probably keep an eye on them...
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    Emergency plant problem

    I actually originally did transplant to bigger containers the day I fed them but the next day I carfully pulled them back out and put them back into the solo cups so they would dry out quicker than if I would have flushed the bigger containers. It was a decision I'm not proud of but felt it was...
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    Emergency plant problem

    Foliar feeding is not out of the question at all, actually was already thinking about that myself except I've never actually done it before. I'm a soil grower and have never actually needed to foliar feed so I would be a little nervous to do so but if thats the only way to get them to live...
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    Emergency plant problem

    I've been growing for 2 years now and know pretty much what to look for when it comes to diagnosing a plants problem but there is still much to learn. My problem I'm having is I have 11 plants that are on their 25th day of veg so they are still young and are not showing much of any growth. I...
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    first succesful clones and first time with rockwool

    your able to transplant cube to cube. I don't want to use dirt, I am wanting to use rockwool and hydroton.
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    first succesful clones and first time with rockwool

    Ok so I have a few questions about cloning and rockwool. I have 9 clones that came off 3 mothers 2 weeks into flower and luckily they all rooted (my first try by the way), the clones are sitting in 1x1x1 rockwool cubes inside of a tray with a dome and there is hydroton covering the rockwool...
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    Foliar Feeding

    Come on guys and gals I really need some help here.
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    Foliar Feeding

    I'm looking to go to foliar feeding on my second grow which right now is in its first week of 12/12. I use the General Hydroponics 3 part flora series and here comes the question. HOW MUCH DO I MIX PER GALLON OF THE THREE NUTRIENTS (GROW, MICRO, AND BLOOM)? There unfortunetly is no schedule...
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    Transplanting In Flowering

    Excellent, thanks so much.
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    Transplanting In Flowering

    She started out in little planting plugs till she grew out the bottom than transplanted to a red plastic dixie cup than to the five gallon bucket once they grew out again. I didn't think I was going to need to transplant for a third time so I didn't think anything of it. Ok so I guess everyone...
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    Transplanting In Flowering

    I was watering about once a week but now it's moved up to once every few days which is what made me look at the bottom of my bucket to see if she was growing out of it. She is really sucking up the water now. What happens if I have to water every day?
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    Transplanting In Flowering

    Thanks so much for the quick response, I'm always worried about stressing my girl as this is my first grow and my very first seed that I started. She went 60 days veg. and now into almost 30 days flowering, so I really am worried that i'm some how going to screw it up by doing something way wrong.
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    Transplanting In Flowering

    Ok guys and gals, I have a Strawberry Cough (sativa) that is currently in a 5 gallon bucket and they are starting to grow out the bottom of the bucket. Yes it's an inside grow with 400 hps light, its looking good minus the spider mites (Already being irraticated as we speak), and the...
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    Auto Hindu Kush Under 400w HPS

    Sorry to dig up an old post but as I told you I am growing some auto hindu's right now and i'm into day 47 of the grow and to be honest my girls look no wheres near as big as yours. On Three out of Six of my girls there is no side branching with buds only a main cola which to be honest is kinda...
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    autoflower nutes

    As far as the half strength mr. ganja, do I use half strength Flowering nutes or Veg nutes? Blinkrock, No I do not have a ec meter or a ppm meter as I went way over budget on the lights and grow room setup so I have to wait until next grow to get them. I will feed them tonight but will wait...
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    autoflower nutes

    Ok so my question is pretty easy for someone to answer if you have grown auto's before. Here are the facts: 25 days into grow 400watt mh lighting until final two weeks where i will switch to 400hps pro mix bx soil in 3.5 -4 gallon containers 7 female auto hindu kush Now for the questions: 1...
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    Autoflower Lights?

    i will probably just raise the autos up on a table or something to get them closer to the light. I'm still learning and i don't know enough to LST yet, I looked it up but I'm not that skilled yet. Maybe next grow or two.
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    Autoflower Lights?

    Thanks Nusky, thats what I will do than and wish me luck on some massive yielding girls. And thank you to everyone else as well for such quick responses.