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  1. Hellcat

    Lost dont know what to do

    be better if you had a pic of it to tell whats wrong it could be dieing or not getting enough of something and if you just transplanted it it could be in shock
  2. Hellcat

    Getting cought

    yeah telling people is a sure way of getting shut down fast
  3. Hellcat


    Off subject has anyone been keeping up wit the new bill they are trying to pass
  4. Hellcat


    kayme you read my mind i tend to take pics before ground is broke during and after and then pics of the first grow in it
  5. Hellcat


    yeah i kno what your saying making it hidden in plain sight im goin to start the project probably at the end of this month or next month :mrgreen:
  6. Hellcat


    so i shouldnt worry that much cause i wont be stealing power or anything
  7. Hellcat


    yeah ive seem pics of it ive also heard of people geting busted with underground rooms that was stealing power to grow but im not aimin for anything over 10 plants or so with it being under ground it should stay fairly cool
  8. Hellcat


    :hump: thanks for the responses i was thinking clay sand and concrete but the vent indeed will be the main source for the heat escaping and im sure they make something to mask it but the cops mostly only fly over head in early july and probably mid winter or the end of fall start of winter so i...
  9. Hellcat


    If you make a underground room deep enough would cops be able to detect the heat waves :confused: