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  1. L

    So, does YOUR bud burn white or black?

    Sounds more plausible than the explanation in the vid. I do like how he reccommends to just give your plants plain water and let them wilt naturally though. I guess it wouldn't harm you (only your plants :p)
  2. L

    So, does YOUR bud burn white or black?

    Sooooooooooo... Just found this while randomly browsing youtube: Edit: Here's the link, form factor seems to get cropped to 4:3 (from 16:9) in the embedded video And so i...
  3. L

    Questions on pruning outdoor plants and cloning

    Allright! Thanks for the nice replies :) I hope it all goes well! Currently trying to clone some other plant as practice for when my own plants are old enough to top / clone
  4. L

    Questions on pruning outdoor plants and cloning

    So i was looking into pruning and topping when i wondered if this is useful (as in increase bud yield) when growing plants outdoors? Would be nice if someone with experience on this matter could give me some quick guidelines :) I'm asking this because i understand it is very useful in a...
  5. L

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What would you say about these? i think they're almost done
  6. L

    Flowering plants wilting badly [PICS]

    Allright, i think i'll just go and feed 'em some extra nitrogen then. Thanks!
  7. L

    Flowering plants wilting badly [PICS]

    I thought that as well when the wilting first started. Then i looked at my fertilizer and noticed it was missing magnesium. So i quickly changed to a fertilizer that DID contain magnesium. But that was 2 weeks ago and it really didn't help at all. So i guess it must be a lockout of some kind...
  8. L

    Flowering plants wilting badly [PICS]

    As requested, a pic of the entire plant. Leaves started wilting near the bottom but it's progressing upward, kinda fast actually. Plant should flower for about 4 more weeks. I heard that every plant wilts naturally during flowering because it sucks N out of it's unneeded fan leaves. Maybe...
  9. L

    Flowering plants wilting badly [PICS]

    Okay, here's my problem: My plants are about 4 - 5 weeks into flowering and their leaves (mostly fan leaves) are beginning to wilt from the bottom of the plant and slowly progressing to it's top. At first i thought this was normal in the flowering stage, but it's really looking like an iron...
  10. L

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Allright, thanks man. Didn't figure it would be that much longer. Thanks for the advice
  11. L

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Okay, here's a pic of my plant, what do you think? I've tried taking a quick look at the trichomes with a x21 microscope (kinda small, didn't go very well) and i think they're a mix of clear and milky ones. About 50 / 50. But i'm not sure.
  12. L

    Dying leaves and sexing issue [PICS]

    Silly me.. ofcourse those are male flowers.. Now i'm kinda worried about pic no. 6.. It looks like it released pollen.. is my harvest messed up? Thing is i went on a 7-day holiday and i didn't notice them before i left. My other plants had female preflowers all over them while these guys are...
  13. L

    Dying leaves and sexing issue [PICS]

    One of my plants seems to be suffering from something, but i just can't tell for sure what it is. The (older) leaves near the bottom turn yellow while showing brown spots and eventually die (As you can see in the attached pictures). I'm thinking it might be a deficiency of some kind...
  14. L

    Holes in plant's new leaves

    I just signed up a few days ago since i'm on my first grow ever. So Hi everyone :) I'm having this problem: My plants are about 3 weeks old now and the new leaves at the top of the plant have little holes / tears in them. Aside from that they seem quite ok. I added some pics so you can see...