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  1. NWDedHed

    Chop before 6 day vacation?

    That's what I would do. I have the same dilemma, I'm leaving for 3 nights and locking the Girl up in the shed. I just don't want to take the chance, she is very stinky right now.
  2. NWDedHed

    CPAP Machine, now what?

    I use one at night myself. They are not too comfortable to start with but you quickly get used to it if you stick with it. The thing with sleep apnea is that every time you stop breathing a jolt of adrenaline goes to the heart taking years off your life if left untreated. He will wake up feeling...
  3. NWDedHed

    Let's talk serious SCROG

    I'm liking that tent. It looks like it opens on the left side also?
  4. NWDedHed

    The Dead

    I'll be catching all 3 Cuthbert shows this weekend. Can't wait.
  5. NWDedHed

    Where can i get mickey harts song from this weekend at bella terra...lake champlaine?

    It doesn't sound familiar to me, it may be one of his new ones. He has a new album coming out in 2012, and from what I hear he's been playing a lot of them on the road.
  6. NWDedHed

    Favorite Guitarists Of All Time

  7. NWDedHed

    Mike Tyson is CRAZY. Also, Charlie Sheen roast

    There is never a good time to joke about somebody's good friend dying. Totally crossed the line with that one.
  8. NWDedHed

    Moving from outside to inside?

    If there is nothing but rain in the forecast, I would definitely move her inside. You don't want to run the risk of having your buds mold now.
  9. NWDedHed

    Indica, sativa, or hybrid?

    I agree it's a mix but with those long skinny leaves it looks to me like it has a good percentage of sativa in it.
  10. NWDedHed

    Compost pile of my own shit, use as fertalizer?

    I just can't believe this thread is still going.......
  11. NWDedHed

    Outdoor grow wk.4 since pre-flowering.

    Very nice. I've got an outdoor girl going myself. I'm hoping she finishes up before the rains set in.
  12. NWDedHed

    Has Anyone in Washington been Harrased/Investigated for medical Marijuana Farming?

    Athough the law does offer legal protection, I feel it is still best to keep it discreet just so some tweaker doesn't decide to bust your door down. There was a case here recently here in Western WA where the police did come in and seize everything, but they let the weed mold. The charges were...
  13. NWDedHed

    Active Washington Patients?

    Another 1 from Kitsap County here. No dispensaries in this County (at least that aren't underground) but several to choose from in Tacoma or Belfair.
  14. NWDedHed

    If I started today...

    Sure you can. Just start your 12/12 9 weeks or so before Christmas. Should even give you a week to dry. No time to cure though.