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  1. W

    Started off slow and deformed!!

    Looking good! If you still need fertilizer go for kinds that are high in phosphorus, this will help with the buds to grow larger. Now with your recent pic it looks like its doing well. question for you, i cant quite tell what size container you have that in but just make sure you have a big...
  2. W

    Turning off the lights off schedule

    As long as you turn it back on then your fine. I've had to turn my lights off at times. But as long as you cut them back on your little buddy will still be in the vegging stage
  3. W

    I've got the will if you've got the way

    i thought about taking cuttings and everything a while back before i put them to flower. but i didnt really know how and didnt know if it would affect anything about the grow. and i actually got the seeds off a dude who i chill with alot so ive smoked it before and know its all good
  4. W

    I've got the will if you've got the way

    So im coming to the end of my first grow. Started small with just a couple. But they've grown lovely over the past couple months. So my question is this, I've heard of re-vegging them so i dont have to go through my long process of germinating and sprouting and all that good stuff. Is it...
  5. W

    Need A Little Help

    So I am officially almost finished with my first grow. Probably about 5 weeks or so until harvest. But im having trouble with a few. I have one that has gotten to about 2 1/2 feet and is a female. but i have a lot that i cant quite tell. they look like their growing a little flower on top but i...
  6. W

    good time to flower?

    So no jumpstart? Jus go straight to 12-12. Well I got plenty more seeds comin around if this ends up going sour. But expect the worst and pray for the best
  7. W

    good time to flower?

    I've heard of using hps lights for flowering but im not trying to have the electric bill jump through the roof
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    good time to flower?

    I've got one of those metal halide lights but I ges I had it up to high
  9. W

    good time to flower?

    And like I said this is my first time trying so im not looking for an extremely high yield. Just a kind of gameplan for the next ones. These are going in a trash can that I've set up. But I have 5 that are outside and im jus letting grow on their own with a little help
  10. W

    good time to flower?

    K I've adjusted the light so its closer. Is there a specific distance I should have them from the light?
  11. W

    good time to flower?

    This is what they look like right now
  12. W

    good time to flower?

    Good to know. Is it best to induce flowering by a 36-48 dark period followed by the 12-12? Or is it better just to go to the 12-12?
  13. W

    good time to flower?

    Hey all, just looking for some advice. Im on my first batch and am deciding whether to flower now or wait. Crop has 10 plants and has been going for 5 weeks. They are about 8 inches tall. I have heard that it might double in size and I have limited room. Love any help I can get! Thanks! :D...