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  1. C

    My 2 autoflowers are flowering and looking sick im new to this help please

    also when i feed my plants am i supposed to put nutes every feeding or only add the nutes once in the gallon and feed them that way
  2. C

    My 2 autoflowers are flowering and looking sick im new to this help please

    should i flush them?? will that do any good
  3. C

    My 2 autoflowers are flowering and looking sick im new to this help please

    Before i get into what im using let me just say i just repotted these plants into bigger pots maybe that can be the issue but what do i no.....Im using fox farm ocean forest for soil..... for nutrients im using Dyna gro and dyna bloo. when i water them i use half a tea spoon of dyna grow and...
  4. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    That's how my fan leaves looked like before I lost them all. Now the little fan leaves that are growing on the bud look Like those leaves u posted but a little worse
  5. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    Look at her suffer I feel bad can some one tell me how to use garden lime because someone told me it's a magnesium prob This. Is the nutes And soil I just bought and...
  6. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    @Matt316420 your telling me a magnesium is the problem it sais on your post that dolomite will help them somewhat so if that's the case how do I add garden lime
  7. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    I have garden lime will that help any way
  8. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    This was my plant like 2 weeks ago now it looks nothing like it did before
  9. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    A before and after pics of the sick plant I had before they told me to flush her
  10. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    I'm scared to flush her because at the moment I don't have any pure clean water only tap And the last time somebody told me to flush my plants one of them shriveled up real bad here's a pic of the plant they told me to flush cuz they said I burnt her with to much nutes
  11. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    Yea I know sorry I'm not explaining things the right way I'm just a little stressed it cuz I waited 2 months and 5 weeks it's an autoflower fast bud from sweet seeds ... And to answer your question about why I transplanted her is cuz the miracle grow she was in had alot of nutes In it ... Since...
  12. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    Okay but can someone answer the question I asked earlier she was repotted yesterday night it's brand new fox farm soil I still have to flush her?????????
  13. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    I think your right because all of my plants are going thru the same thing that's why yesterday I threw that miracle grow shit away and repotted into FF
  14. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help

    But I just repotted it into new soil yesterday night... I still have to flush it ????
  15. C

    Something is wrong with my girl 5weeks flowering pics included need help This is how my plant looked like a week ago before givin nutes .... And It was in miracle grow. So after I saw what happend I went and found a local hydro store and bought some FOXFARM Soil yesterday and repotted it into it...