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  1. P

    Paradise Seeds Acid/Nebula

    Checked out the journal, cool stuff can't wait to see them take off! Also, I'll probably just go with the Acid. I have heard really great things about Diesel and I'll be sure to look into Killing Fields, I've never heard of it but I'll check it out. I'll also try and do a journal, as long as...
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    Paradise Seeds Acid/Nebula

    Hey guys, I am just finishing my first grow with a Sensi Star and two Northern Souls. Gonna cut down in about a week. Anyway, I started thinking about what I'm gonna hit next time around. I was thinking a more sativa dominant this time so I have some stuff for whatever mood I'm in; if i wanna...
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    Cutting early

    Alright, thanks for the advice went out and got some better odor control so hopefully I'll be able to stick it out to the end. Happy smoking!
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    Cutting early

    Hey guys, I was wondering whether cutting your trees early (2-3 weeks before the breeder's end date) will reduce potency or only weight? I know it will give a more cereberal high but I want to know does trichome prodction really bulk up right at the end? Should one try to stick it out? Thanks
  5. P

    More Nitrogen Deficiency?

    @MrGhettoGrower: Thanks for the input! I will move 'em to a bigger pot tomorrow for sure! Do you think it is easier when the soil is moist or dry? @max316420: Thanks, I didn't know that about Promix! I'll be sure to add some stuff to it for my next time around, I do have to say that the soil has...
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    More Nitrogen Deficiency?

    @Phisphan1995: So you think that just switching over to a different company for nutes would work, and fix the problems? Has General Organics got a bad name? @DrFever: Alright, I'll try to take it slower, but if I do; how good of a chance do I have of the plants dying on me? Like if I let the...
  7. P

    More Nitrogen Deficiency?

    Hey guys, I am having more problems with growing... This is a sensi star that I have been growing for about 3 weeks from seed. It was doing ver well I think under my 430w HPS bulb. I was giving it water and the General Organics Bio Weed (0.2-0-0.3). Around the beginning of the third week I gave...
  8. P

    Cannabis Botany 4th Edition - Free to download

    Hey man, cool idea putting together a book and even keeping up to date with it and releasing new editions and what not! Will definitely give it a thorough read and in fact have already started. I noticed one typo so far (Page 5/Paragraph1/Possitive - Should be Positive), not at all ripping on...
  9. P

    Nute Burn or Nitrogen Deficiency?

    Alright, makes sense.
  10. P

    Nute Burn or Nitrogen Deficiency?

    Alright thanks for the major help watchhowidoit, I will make sure I have adequate contact between the water and nutes with the roots each time I water (That's why I am watering so much when I do right? To make sure that all the roots get the food?). I will monitor them and see if they start to...
  11. P

    Nute Burn or Nitrogen Deficiency?

    So, you advise me to just move them close to the light and then to just continue with the ferts? Should I still flush first? EDIT: I have two others that I am growing in the same medium and one of them is much smaller than the one in the first post, same strain and started at the same time...
  12. P

    Nute Burn or Nitrogen Deficiency?

    Alright thanks for the input, so it looks to be a nitrogen deficiency then. So, the best option would be to flush the plants and then to go with fertilizer again? Another plant that was a bit younger was also getting some ferts but she was taking some seaweed stuff that's much weaker than the...
  13. P

    Nute Burn or Nitrogen Deficiency?

    Hey guys, I went on vacation for a little over a week just recently and had someone else take care of the plants and this is what I come home to: The plants were in their third or fourth week of vegging when I left and I left directions to alternate between water and the General Organics...
  14. P

    Stunted seedling; will it catch up?

    Alright thanks for the reassurance bro, so with time it should catch up? I'll wait a while and see if it gets better. EDIT: Or, it could be different genetics that are just predisposing it to be shorter right?
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    Stunted seedling; will it catch up?

    Bumpy bump for insight
  16. P

    Stunted seedling; will it catch up?

    Hey guys, just looking for some insight again. I have moved both of my seedlings under a 430w HPS lamp and they seem to be growing MUCH faster than when I had them under the shitty reading lamp before :D But, when I was moving one of the plants to a different container, I damaged the stem a...
  17. P

    Do I Need Replant?

    Alright I moved them under a 430w HPS and have a fan blowing over them as well. They are a few feet away from the light right now. I will leave them there for a few days and hopefully, they should move right along. Also, I removed the toothpick and twist ties that were supporting the second...
  18. P

    Do I Need Replant?

    MrGhettoGrower: Sorry, I don't know what kind of fluoro's in the lamp; it is a Verillux reading lamp I believe. Also, I have a 430w ballast and a Hortillux bulb that's supposed to give off some of the colours in the MH spectrum; that will be fine for vegging right? I was planning on using the...
  19. P

    Do I Need Replant?

    Alright, thanks for the quick replies guys; I am gonna try to move 'em under a 430w HPS tomorrow and see if they fatten up; if not then I guess I'll have to replant, I am just afraid of damaging any roots or the stem further if I replant..
  20. P

    Do I Need Replant?

    Hey guys, this is my first time growing and I had these growing in a window for a few days (2-3) and I think that they are quite stretched? I have since moved them under a lamp 1-2 inches from the bulb. They seem to have stopped stretching but one of them is having problems with falling over. I...