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  1. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    am sorry guys just a beginner i mixed up with wat you should do at wat stages of growth thanks very much for your time and help and will do that straight away thanks so just to clerify wat do you have it on from seed/cutting is it 18/6 then after a period of time lower it to 12/12 is that...
  2. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    should i do that
  3. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    no sorry i dont
  4. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i did have it on 18/6 with 2 orthers but they turned out to be wats called hermie any idea wat i should do please.
  5. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    morning uk growers i have a plant thats over 2ft tall now but nothin happening just leaf after leaf no hairs nothin to sggest wat it is any ideas anyone please thanks its been about 6 weeks now i havent a clue wats going on so please help.
  6. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    ok will do will check back iether later or tomorrow thanks robbiep
  7. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    whats your advice please should i continue with the 18/6 or wat ?
  8. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    well about 2 weeks ago they were just these white hairs and defo looked female i was told but now i dont no??
  9. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    that is about 6 weeks old from seed on just a basic set up you can see the little white hairs ??
  10. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi i am first time grower could some one please tell me wat is going on with this pic wat are the pod like things here and am i doing this correctly :cry:thanks
  11. harbinger10

    First Timer looking for Any Tips/Advice

    hello to all am new here and a novice grower i have 3 k2 plants on a simple indoor closet set up but the problem i have is identifying one of the plants i no 2 are female as they have those little white hairs but this orther one is just growing fast but just leaves its about 2ft tall now but i...
  12. harbinger10

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi all fist time poster and grower can anyone help me i have a simple indoor setup at the momment i have 3 plants 2 i know are females but i cannot id the 3rd its about 2ft tall now but no signs of anythin but leaves the orther 2 are fine and have those little white hairs but not as tall as this...
  13. harbinger10

    Welcome New Members!

    hi all have just started to grow and the info i can see is in abundence thanks and look forward to posting