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  1. S

    need help with hermi

    Pics make problem solving way easier. However, if it is a hermi, you can definitely leave it to grow and still get some bud off it, but ONLY IF its your only plant flowering currently, otherwise it'll most likely spread pollen throughout your whole grow area, meaning your bud will have SEEDS...
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    Want to add CFls

    Go buy a 5 pack of 23w CFLs at WalMart or any hardware store for like 7$. They should be in the 2700k spectrum. You should just get the regular spiral CFLs also, rather than the one you have linked. Edit: And also, the more light the better, so yes it can only help.
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    Important Question: Moving from Indoor to Outdoor during flowering stage.

    Luckily the past few days have been slightly lower temperatures, with plenty of rain for the plants to drink and not too much sun. They seem rather unaffected at this point but we're definitely keeping a good eye on them. Today is probably has the most sun since its been put out so we'll see how...
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    Important Question: Moving from Indoor to Outdoor during flowering stage.

    Hey guys. So I have some Northern Lights that I've been growing at my buddies house for a while now, we're about 6 or so weeks into flowering ATM, everything has been coming along great. However, my friend and his parents began complaining about smell, and insisted we move the plants outdoors...
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    t5 cfl grow question

    Ditch the halogens and leave the T5 within a few inches of the plant.
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    Starting a new growth, need tips

    150w CFL for 10 plants? Definitely not going to happen without a longgg ass veg/flower time, major stretching, or tinyyy buds, assuming the plants will even live at all. You'd probably need a minimum 600w HPS for 10 'decent' plants at one time. I say one or two is the max you could grow with one...
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    What he said. Unless it's an auto-flower seed, it won't start budding until you switch lights to 12/12. I put a mid-grade seed in some soil a few weeks ago, and about a week after it rooted and started veg, sure enough, flowers started showing as well. It's going to be one tiny ass plant, but...
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    Cfl question

    While Kush's setup sounds like a really nice one, that number of lights isn't entirely necessary. The more lights the bigger the yield, yeah, but if you don't have the money for lights less will still do fine. I use about 8 23w CFLs and two uhm... 17~20w fluoro tubes for my grow. So far so good...
  9. S

    Major Update on Bagseed Grow. First Attempt, Rate/Advice, Already Flowering!

    Pics Taken Earlier today. The extra little guy in the last pic is a confirmed female from a mids bag! Woo-hoo! First: The Whole Grow Second and Fourth: The Tall Plant Third: The Shorter Topped Plant Fourth: The 'Runt" Fifth: The Baby from a Mids Bag
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    Major Update on Bagseed Grow. First Attempt, Rate/Advice, Already Flowering!

    So! I finally got some date approximations on everything... and the buds are coming along superb! Germinated on May 20th Sprouted on May 23rd Began flowering on June 12th. So, with these updated pictures (two days old now, actually) ... how does my progress look compared to the dates? Trichome...
  11. S

    Major Update on Bagseed Grow. First Attempt, Rate/Advice, Already Flowering!

    So... my friend talked to the person who sold us the seeds... and he said they're supposedly Northern Lights seeds. I don't know the original source of them, as I didn't talk to him myself, so who knows if its true, but I can just pretend I'm growing some NL still can't I? Hahaha. Here's a nice...
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    Major Update on Bagseed Grow. First Attempt, Rate/Advice, Already Flowering!

    To be honest, the plant on the far right (the shorter one you mean) is growing/flowering just as well as the one of the left in the pic (the tall one.) Plus, other than within the first 3 weeks of veg, I haven't used any nutrients at all for any of the plants. So it's been almost a month since...
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    4x Nirvana Blackjack, 3 weeks from harvest

    Damnit! I want an HPS so bad! Hahaha. But coming along so nice man. That first picture looks soooo perrrrty.
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    Major Update on Bagseed Grow. First Attempt, Rate/Advice, Already Flowering!

    Thanks dabupp! I'll try to remember and check my 'date log' to see when flowering was actually started just for the exact date. Can't remember ATM. You're right though, it is pretty fun. Everyday you look somethings changing! Your grow is looking superb as well. I was interested in LST...
  15. S

    Kelvin Question

    Hmmm... well 2700 and 3500 aren't too far apart... but it sounds like neither of them will add a bigger benefit to the plants than the other really until its time for flowering. My suggestion is.... USE EM ALL! Haha. If you don't have enough fixtures, buy some Y shaped socket splitters for like...
  16. S

    First CFL Grow, Bagseed

    Well basically, you let them flower depending on your own limitations. If you have lots of room and are willing to invest in more lights, then you can let them veg however long you want and let them get huge! If you are limited, however, then change to 12/12 when they're approximately a foot or...
  17. S

    First CFL Grow, Bagseed

    Hmmm... from my opinion, they don't really look like they'll be dying on you anytime soon. They're still kinda healthy looking, just slowed/stunted growth. My only recommendation for you is maybe cut off the nutrients to them, unless somebody can identify the problem as something else. You don't...
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    Major Update on Bagseed Grow. First Attempt, Rate/Advice, Already Flowering!

    A little picture update. Plenty of progress made on the flowers now, they're getting more beautiful each day, and have started forming trichomes as well now! We just added 3 additional 23w CFLs in today as well, maybe just a couple more soon. Oh, and the smell is coming back :) How's everything...
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    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    Sorry about the male! I remember during my first and current grow when I had to remove the males, two of em. One was the best I had, and the other was tied for second! They were the only ones that smelled at the time too. It was tragic having to rip them out. But I made sure to save some...
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    Major Update on Bagseed Grow. First Attempt, Rate/Advice, Already Flowering!

    Yeah, all 2700's. I only went looking at Wal-Mart really and oddly enough could never find any 6500K. Once we find more lamps/sockets of some kind I'll maybe aim for 6500 as well, thanks! But you are correct about there being some burnt leaves. Truth is we're hosting the grow at a friends house...