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  1. G

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Jin your babies look absolutely incredible! Its hard to tell but some of those milky ass triches look like they are starting to amber. That's how you'll know when to harvest, which will be a proud day even for us.
  2. G

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    I may be growing scrog as well. how tall do you think i should let a seedling get before i tie it down? im using a 600 watt and i wanna fill the screen with one plant
  3. G

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Awesome, thank you. I'm just curious how much space you need for you 1000w because I'm trying to figure out what I'll need for my 600w.
  4. G

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Jin, every time I check your thread, all I can do is just stare at your beautiful babies. I have one last question if you don't mind, how far is your light from the plants?
  5. G

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    lordjin you are the man, enough said. How far do you have your screen from your res?
  6. G

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    You should take another picture of the roots
  7. G

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Im waiting for my seed to sprout and im starting a scrog. Im not sure how i want to train it to fill the screen though
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    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    I'm no expert, but personally I would only use an HPS for flowering. I know you can use MH for flowering but I feel like it just isn't the right light the plant needs for flowering. I'm sure you could do it and run into no problem. But I'm not one to take risk like that, I'd rather let someone...
  9. G

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Lordjin! I'm happy to see you've started again because I'm about to start another one as well, your girls look great by the way. Anyways, about what you said in this quote, do you think a 24/7 light schedule stresses the plant because you have an 1000w MH blazing down on them? Because I plan on...
  10. G

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Im thinking of doing a Scrog grow. im looking for yield though. what strain should i use?
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    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    Oh my god, that has to be the most amazing feeling ever cutting those beautiful girls down. Great grow, I can only hope mine is just as awesome as yours lol. I can't wait for it
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    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    Ive been thinking on what to do with it and ive got a plan. After the smaller ones are harvested and gone, im gonna turn the 400 watt hps on its side and light up one side of the big one. then ill set up the flouros on top and the other side. And without the other buckets, my whole air pump...
  13. G

    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    Well if you're sure, I'll take your advice. Your girls prove to me you have an idea of what your talking about haha. What GH products do you use other than Liquid Koolbloom?
  14. G

    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    Yeah, im gonna look into and. If i use it ill let you know how it goes. Your girls are looking great. Nice job
  15. G

    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    Yes, we will do many things differently next time around. But yes the stem is an absolute beast and we just plan on giving it the time it needs to develop. Quick question though, I've seen you use Liquid Koolbloom and I wondering if in these last few weeks, have you used Dry Koolbloom? I've read...
  16. G

    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    I hope they get disgustingly big! Speaking of disgustingly big, I haven't been completely honest. We have a fifth plant that is absolutely ridiculous in size, I think the picture will say it all, it isn't as developed as the smaller ones but still has lots of flowers forming. It started at the...
  17. G

    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    Yeah for my next one i was thinking of scroging white widow or something. and i need to make my grow room better. I didnt top these ones at all and i wish i would have. Even light distribution will be key next time.
  18. G

    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    So here are a few pictures, the quality isn't the greatest. The first one shows size, the guy in the picture is roughly 6 feet tall. These babies have been through a lot, they were stretched in the beginning due to lighting issues, our first air pump took a shit on us and almost killed them, and...
  19. G

    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    Its indoor, and its my second grow so i have a lot to learn. Im running them in 5 gal buckets with a commercial air pump that looks exactly like yours actually. using GH flora nova koolbloom and flora plus. I just cant wait till they are done.
  20. G

    Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

    I just got done looking over your journal and it looked amazing! I hope the results of my harvest are similar to yours. I have four 4'6'' ladies going right now and I'm in day 35 of flowering. its very exciting