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  1. M

    Please help before it gets worse

    Your local hydro store or the internet.....Basically, anywhere.
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    Strange Problems

    So I've been growing for a little while and only recently (the last two grows) some of my plants have just flat out died in about 72 hours. I tried 1/4 strength nutes and they didn't rebound. Tried straight water and it didn't work either. It was real weird. They just dry up and die. They...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Oh my lord I just realized you said a LIMB weighed 193g hahahahah lmao.
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Yeah dude congrats man. I'm stoked for you. Hard work and good karma paid off. Lookin forward to seein em! Btw my plants are standing on their own now lol.
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Nice I'm totally already addicted and I haven't succeeded at shite yet lol. Sounds good. My second grow should be slightly ahead of yours then assuming I don't murder this round :) got 4 ww clones that are just now starting to grow a touch. You gonna keep us posted with that grow too? And why...
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    1st Grow DWC x2(White Widow x Big Bud)x1( Red Dwarf)Grow Journal started on 4.6.11

    Lookin good dude. I was wonderin where you went. Man my girls just about died...Went totally limp on day 15 of flower. trying to recover them now. I'll let you know how that goes. Roots look SOLID and ur big girl looks real good. EDDY is still EDDY but comin along which is good. Prob gonna stay...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Alright man that is def good news bc like I said she's sexy lol. But I'm a lil further along. They're on day 18 of flower now. I hope they recover and produce somethin worth smokin lol. Ill let you know. You just keep postin that porn and those weight reports. I guess now instead of dividing...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Yeah I check Ph and water temp twice a day every day. Change out ice packs twice a day also. Change out the res every Fri. Using fluro lighting so they're not hot and they're actually further away now than ever due to a change of cabinets. I really appreciate your help. I'm gathering it must be...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Minz I changed the water immediately. Gonna do weak nutes tonight. But how can you overwater dwc? Prob a stupid question but doesn't make common sense lol. Tied them up last night and they have been in straight water for 36 hours now. Water temps have NEVER been above 75. They are about 19...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Minz I changed the water immediately. Gonna do weak nutes tonight. But how can you overwater dwc? Prob a stupid question but doesn't make common sense lol. Tied them up last night and they have been in straight water for 36 hours now. Water temps have NEVER been above 75. They are about 19...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    1. This isn't really the place to learn that kinda stuff so you need to check out general growing. 2. I'll give you a quick bit of info to get you started until you learn more in the growing section 3. Minz I hope you don't mind that but it's in good spirit to assist. I know this is YOUR forum...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    OMG I'm gonna plants just went totally limp overnight. Not brittle, still green, just limp and everything is hanging down. WTF!!! So I'm just gonna live vicariously through you Minz :(
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    Building a RDWC myself. Have questions. Need help, hints!

    I'm workin with a tote right now. There are def disadvantages. I'm relatively strong and getting that 12 gallons of water across the house to drain/fill is a pain in my back lol. Also, roots tend to bind if you don't keep them seperate. Overall it's faster than doing individual buckets I'm sure...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Hey minz how are you gonna scrog that cooler? I'm in a rubbermaid and want to do that next time but I'm not sure how that would work since I have to remove the rubbermaid every week to change out res water. I'm thinking about switching to buckets/round sports coolers but I would still have the...
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    pruning question

    Thanks alot incognito. That's an awesome article. I will def be out to the pharmacy soon :) My girls are in day 15 of flower tho sounds like it's too late for this batch. But I have 5 clones that I'm trying to root at the moment so we will see how that goes. When you say self prune are you...
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    Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow

    Omg congrats dude. You outta be super proud. I would be happy with that for my entire first grow lol. Good karma payin off bro. You def been doin somethin right. Can't believe that's your "small one" lol. Why an ammo can? I have a couple but they're full of ammo lol so I'm not gonna use em...
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    pruning question

    Ok quiksilver. I'm workin with 380w of cfl in a 3'x1.5' cabinet that is lined with mylar. Its 5 plants so you think that's enough and I'm just being a paranoid noob or should I throw some lights in the bottom? Sides aren't an option bc of space. I already have perfectly squared plants lol. I...
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    pruning question

    Thanks for the help incognito. Not the answer I wanted but I appreciate it.just out of curiosity is it because it may shock the plants? If so, and a female plant is shocked and turns hermie is that how fem seeds are produced? Just wonderin bc if so it may be worth shocking one to get up some ww...
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    pruning question

    So I'm on my first grow and working with cfls. Growing 5 ww and I'm on day 14 of flower. They are 19 inches tall (growing rapidly if that matters). Is it too late to prune the bottoms? I don't want to chance shocking them of anything but I'm worried a lot of bottom vegetation won't get any real...