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  1. pukkabud1

    How Much £'s?

    hey there i am soon going to be starting my first outdoor grow:hump: i am going to give lowryder a try, i was just wondering how much money would i roughly make off a lowryder? if i sold all the buds it produces in eights? (an eigth costs £20 btw to our american friends =]) thanks all answers...
  2. pukkabud1


    hey im just curios about drying and curing marijuana... what is it? haha a dumb question i know but i just wantd to know when the plant is ready to cut and dry and stuff, doesent it change colour or something? a step by step for harvesting would be very helpful. i have some idea or drying like...
  3. pukkabud1

    germinating seeds

    yeh ive heard alot about that method think ill probably go with that, thanks
  4. pukkabud1

    germinating seeds

    thanks man
  5. pukkabud1

    germinating seeds

    hey just wondering what is the best method to germinating seeds, ive heard about the paper towel method and the shot glass method which is better? or do you have your own methods of germination that you dont mind sharing?
  6. pukkabud1

    growing lowryder

    ok thanks again
  7. pukkabud1

    Nirvanas Blackjack Is Now Growing In A Tree!

    haha man thats pretty creative but a sick idea none the less, just a general question for anyone, i too am considering growing outside thinking of growing lowryder how far away would you have to be to be able to smell it?
  8. pukkabud1

    growing lowryder

    thanks man great answer :) one more thing id like to ask do you know a good website that i can order feminzied lowryder seeds from? the obvious answer would be to type it in on google but its just the prices that have got me coz ive seen 5 seeds for £45 and the same again but at £25, of course...
  9. pukkabud1

    growing lowryder

    hey people, new to growing here so bear with me if i ask some dumbass questions. Thinking of growing lowryder outdoors in the uk, what i know so far about this strain; easy to conceal, grows to knee height and an all round good plant for a noob grower. my questions 1. how regularly must i...
  10. pukkabud1

    Welcome New Members!

    hey people, new to growing here so bear with me if i ask some dumbass questions. Thinking of growing lowryder outdoors in the uk, what i know so far about this strain; easy to conceal, grows to knee height and an all round good plant for a noob grower. my questions 1. how regularly must i...