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  1. C

    Anyone Still Using The Moonshine Man Mix?

    Could someone please go into a little more depth on these 3 transplants. Approximate times of transplants? Size of containers? I understand the transplant but am I starting with a small container and gradually increasing in size or am I simply beating the dirt off of the rootball and refreshing...
  2. C


    Just popped 1 a few hours ago they tend to take their time like obijohn said its more of a natural sleep where you just drift off. Your body will get use to it and they will not work as effectively so usually I space them out every couple of days.
  3. C

    Buying Or Renting/Saving?

    With the housing market being the way it is now. I would say buy. Of course you need stellar credit now to secure a mortgage but I am paying 450 for my mortgage with both taxes and insurances included. I figure that I could easily pay this off in the next couple of years cause I was in the same...
  4. C

    Calling ALL SCIENTIST Growersssss!

    I think your on the right track with your nute schedule. Just remember to let your ladies tell you what they need. The schedules that the manufacturers come out with are nothing more than a guideline and in my opinion are a little on the high side. the ladies can only soak up so much and...
  5. C

    Ventilation/Odor question!

    You should also have 1 more fan that sucks the air out of the room (replaces it with the forced air in) and this fan you run through a filter
  6. C


    The government is all about getting their piece and more often then not it is shrouded in the belief that they care about our safety. That is why I believe that with the legalization of medicinal uses of marijuana is fine for the few out there that really care for the medicinal aspects. For...
  7. C

    Beating the heat and humidity with 5K btu window AC

    This setup should work just fine and help you control your temps. I used the foam that you can pick up at any home improvement store in sheet form and tacked it to my walls and had a special exhaust built cause my room was in my basement wish I had pix cause it was one crafty setup. My setup...