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  1. Lonx

    3rd day of flowering, help!

    3rd night of flowering rather, and I fell asleep with the lights on. I intend to install a timer today to avoid this problem again. But instead of the lights going off at 11:00pm last night, they were out by 4:30am. Normally they awake at 11:00am. Because of their extended day, should I let...
  2. Lonx

    400w Closet Grow "Texada Lemon Skunk" - First Grow

    Updated, check out my journal here!
  3. Lonx

    400w Closet Grow "Texada Lemon Skunk" - First Grow

    Seeds: "Texada Lemon Skunk" bought from the Vancouver seed bank Germination: 48h, 10 seeds on a few soaked sheets of paper towel on a plate with a bowl. When I checked on them, 10/10 seeds had cracked, and 7/10 had already grown a root double, triple the size of the seeds. Potting: Planted my...
  4. Lonx

    Feminized Lemon Skunk Closet Grow - Green House Seeds

    subscribed. In regards to the smell, is it a pleasant lemony smell, or more spunky then the lemon.
  5. Lonx

    First time window grower Q

    Q: I'm a first time grower with 7 seedlings. Hoping to veg 3-4 2' plants under my bed and would like some advice as to what size container would be ideal when it comes time to transplant. :peace: Check out my grow journal here <==
  6. Lonx

    Under-Bed Window Grow + First Ever Grow

    Day 6, All 7 seeds have sprouted. Here they are hanging out on the terrace in the afternoon sun after their flourecent nap of 2x120v 6500k Soft White. Here is a closeup of #1 getting her tan on only after 6 days since germination.
  7. Lonx

    Under-Bed Window Grow + First Ever Grow

    Morning of Day 5, #3 has also srouted life. And #1 is looking great! Here is an update:
  8. Lonx

    Under-Bed Window Grow + First Ever Grow

    Yes, it was a mistake not to wash and sterilize the potting containers. I'll know better next time. I also forgot to add drain holes to the pink containers, so that will be my chore tomorrow. The window is on the side, but it gets enough light all around that it shouldn't be an issue. I will...
  9. Lonx

    Under-Bed Window Grow + First Ever Grow

    First of all, this is my first ever grow attempt. My setup is different to anything I've seen out there. I am growing under my bed! Simple Setup: My queen sized bed is lofted 3' in the air, and is right next to a window which is 29 stories above street level and faces SE and gets A LOT of...