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  1. cheeseschrist

    (Pics) Tell me what this nutrient deficiency is

    Thanks ariwave; I have seen that site and can safely say this plant looks zinc/maganese deficient. I wonder, however, why the flush, lower ph, and using the fertilizer didn't cure the problem completely.
  2. cheeseschrist

    What do you guys think?

    The ph might be too low and the spots and necrosis looks like a potassium deficiency. I would go ahead and flush the fert the plants even though you just repotted them and start over with a higher ph and an absence of salt buildup.
  3. cheeseschrist

    Creeping Yellow Crud

    Thinking its a micro deficiency that could be related to ph. I flushed everything and started over with a lower ph and warmer water, got better but didn't completely resolve the problem.
  4. cheeseschrist

    Creeping Yellow Crud

    Having the same problem, look at my thread.
  5. cheeseschrist

    (Pics) Tell me what this nutrient deficiency is

    I have recently been working with a prelim diagnosis of zinc and or manganese deficiency as the culprit which I have treated with a flush, complete fertilizer, lowering ph (around 6.5) and giving the plant somewhat warmer water. This has yielded improvement but not cured the plant(s). The pic...
  6. cheeseschrist

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    White widow seems to be fairly finicky and I have some plants that have shown nute lockout sysmptoms (I grow FF nutes in soil under CFLs) and this tends to be a constant battle. I solved it, as much as I could, by flushing and lowering ph as well as keeping the soil a little less moist and...
  7. cheeseschrist

    How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

    See, I told you (this is a test of the picture posting system, this is only a test).
  8. cheeseschrist

    Fox Farm Nutes Anyone?

    Yeah, I don't think there is a secret recipe for nutrients that can't be emulated by other companies; sort of like hair conditioner. Most of the hype you see is stoned and or stupid growers swearing by whatever they use because they had good results at some point and attributed that exclusively...
  9. cheeseschrist

    Need a Caregiver

    If you need one for Rhode Island, you should put that in your message. Is your email address [email protected] or .org or .net? You may want to bounce around on this site to see if there is a referral service for caregiving etc.
  10. cheeseschrist

    My Mj Plant the Leaves are Curling Under. Help!

    Mmmm...could be root bound.
  11. cheeseschrist

    Gold Coloured Streaks on Plant

    From scunkworm: i got some seedlings thats like these pictures, ph is 6.5, temps are 70-75 in day time and 69 at night' mine are almost 6 weeks havn't been fed apart from whats already in the soil. would you think its time to feed or a def coz they havn't got stunted grwoth. Er...six weeks...
  12. cheeseschrist

    Gold Coloured Streaks on Plant

    nutrient deficiency perhaps. Are the leaf tips/edges turning brown? When did you feed last and with what? Looks like a magnesium or potassium deficiency to me but cant tell. Potassium deficiency tends to begin to affect older leaves first and yellow with brown edges and brittle stems eventually...
  13. cheeseschrist

    My Jack is Drying Out, What Happened?

    Wow! What a difference that made. Errr...chemical burn? What nutes were you using and in what amounts? What was your PH? Could it be salts or overfeeding? Hmm...
  14. cheeseschrist

    My Jack is Drying Out, What Happened?

    post pics. i have a jtr going and similar symptoms, not as bad though (it sounds).