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  1. dogie425

    How do you

    if that pic is your plant i would wait a few days b4 i even thought about moving it into a bigger pot maybe even 2 weeks depending on how it grows
  2. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    my temp at night has been about 78F in the box goes up to 85F before i turn on the a/c . i run my lights at night to take advantage of the cool air ,and helps me keep temps from changing too much from lights on to lights off
  3. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    i left it on the stems hanging only been about 3 days now drying . but for the light suggestion i starting to think i will have to move up to a hps light to get the bud i want
  4. dogie425


    if its not hurting the main stem leave it . It will bee fine
  5. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    i have a hard time seeing not enough nitrogen as being the problem . i am giving it the fish poop for the xtra N and i am not stingy with the fish poop
  6. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    it flowered for 2 months 1 week ,and yes it swol up real big and nice and did not cut it early. did have some big temp changes but not real fast. the biggest temp change was when it when the temp outside when up about 20 degrees i a week but i control the box temp real well it didn't change...
  7. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    i am keeping the lights about 4 or 5 inches away same goes for the side lighting . I was using fox farm tigerbloom , big bloom ,and super bloom plus i gave it fish poop for a nitro boost, gave it that for to long i think though . also gave it bud candy after i show that it was a female. i think...
  8. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    u ppl keep saying flood light but if u look closely u will see it is a cfl bulb made for outdoor use is called a par and no i was not satisfied with that first grow so i spent some money on lights and some other goodies like real nutes and seen a better yield on the next 2 plants this is the 3rd...
  9. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    ya the flood light was a cfl but have added alot more since those pics were taken i am running about 800 watts of cfl bulbs now in a mylar lined box it is 6ft tall 5ft wide and 4ft deep . only had the one plant
  10. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    trying to get some pics . i know it loses weight but this seems like its more than normal .
  11. dogie425

    where did my bud go

    ok i took the plant saturday this is monday, and the big beautiful buds i cut off have turned into nothing. instead of bud all i have is a bunch of brown and gold hairs and leaves left where did all the mass go ? did i do something wrong ? please help
  12. dogie425

    bud almost ready and now it putting on new growth

    yes i understand i planned to flush with water for about 2 week b4 i take it i just wanted to know was the foxtailing going to hurt the buds potency .or did this mean i waited to long . i do not have a good magnifying device but the buds do not look done yet to me . this is the fifth plant i...
  13. dogie425

    bud almost ready and now it putting on new growth

    yes i have been giving it fish poop once a week it is 5-1-1
  14. dogie425

    bud almost ready and now it putting on new growth

    well my plant has been in flowering for 2 and a half months now . today i noticed some of the bud tips have started growing longer and putting on leaves. I thought this thing is about done but what is up with the new growth any ideas ?? please
  15. dogie425

    Feed back on progress please

    looks good could be better get the light closer if it is a cfl but don't give up keep it growing
  16. dogie425

    Is this a male? First time grow

    looks like it but it needs another day to be sure
  17. dogie425

    THE HUT.....So I'll do it right next time , but I'm not jus gonna throw these away.

    i have growen some that look like what u have not a lot of yield but i would agree that the wiring needs to be your first fix that is a fire hazard and a smoke detector will not put a fire out . my neice just lost everything she and her family had to a fire after x-mas its not worth the chance...
  18. dogie425

    1st Grow Cfl

    sweet please leave a post with where to find your new thread
  19. dogie425

    hey man i have a problem. one of my plants all the leaves are turning yellow i have looked at...

    hey man i have a problem. one of my plants all the leaves are turning yellow i have looked at the forum for plant problems and from what it tells me its either a nitrogen problem or a sulfer problem. but this plant did this same thing once b4 about a month ago and i put it out side to get some...
  20. dogie425

    The Pop Closet Cfl Grow

    can we get a update please want to see how things are going