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  1. yourexelency

    Kadajett's First Grow Outdoor+Indoor (BagSeed)

    hey just finished reading your thread the rest of the way... idk how to say what i want to convey but i guess i'll try... what do you know about photoperiod and how this effects plants growth? another thing that i think would bring ALL of your plants back up to where they need to be is checking...
  2. yourexelency

    Kadajett's First Grow Outdoor+Indoor (BagSeed)

    oh yeah and i love your "peace and pot" i have recently started finishing my calls with "peace and love" just a coincidence but it seemed neat to mention ^^
  3. yourexelency

    Kadajett's First Grow Outdoor+Indoor (BagSeed)

    Yeah man i like it... sub'd +rep i love Aquarius lol and yeah i know what you mean i tend to leave large messages when asked to write about things I'm passionate about so i understand... i guess I'm just the bad part of being a stoner too lazy to read about something that makes me passionate...
  4. yourexelency

    Kadajett's First Grow Outdoor+Indoor (BagSeed)

    oh yeah and one more thing... idk what it is about your first post but reading it and the way you were planning on growing out there in the woods like that kinda turned me away from you and your thread and that could also be why you are getting so little attention to your grow... are you a...
  5. yourexelency

    Kadajett's First Grow Outdoor+Indoor (BagSeed)

    Hello there fellow stoner... i think one thing your forgetting about this thread is that everyone here is a stoner... with that said... my point is i WANTED to read this thread through but DAMN man your posts are HUGE i mean paragraph after paragraph there is a line sir and YOU CROSSED IT...
  6. yourexelency

    1st Ever Grow. bubbleponic/whitewidowXbigbud

    awww man i wish i coulda helped you save it but i'm pretty sure it was stress induced hermieness cuz of the lights and such :/ of course it is an extremely high possibility that I'm wrong as I've no clue WTF I'm talking about ^^ quick Q to all aaaaaa u....... why kill the males? why not grow...
  7. yourexelency

    1st Ever Grow. bubbleponic/whitewidowXbigbud

    not true man i consider myself a friend to anyone who is friendly to me so that makes you my friend man! lol in my own way... it makes plenty of sense ^^
  8. yourexelency

    hey thanks for liking "YOU SHOULD BE IN THE CFL AREA!! +rep to mineralz conspiracy and fabfun...

    hey thanks for liking "YOU SHOULD BE IN THE CFL AREA!! +rep to mineralz conspiracy and fabfun oooh yeah and beewfurd :P" also thats some pretty poetic stuff about your "crown of contentment" really neat ^^
  9. yourexelency

    1st Ever Grow. bubbleponic/whitewidowXbigbud

    I'm waiting untill it is legal here... do you think it is too hard for me to grow(my first grow) WW(widow) magus gen. biddy early, citral and super skunk? with your all's guidance i know they will live cuz when i finally do grow them EACH plant is going to get there own photo shoot.... so you...
  10. yourexelency

    1st Ever Grow. bubbleponic/whitewidowXbigbud

    YOU SHOULD BE IN THE CFL AREA!! +rep to mineralz conspiracy and fabfun oooh yeah and beewfurd :P
  11. yourexelency

    1st Ever Grow. bubbleponic/whitewidowXbigbud

    you know what man that whole post was pretty freaking awesome but... i think i enjoted the "At least :leaf: doesnt have thorns" on a totally different level ^^
  12. yourexelency

    Seedling Dying. Help!

    yeah i said goof balls what of it motha FUCKA :P best of luck to your other plants you seem like you have a general idea of what your doing... you have the know how just not the XP which you have just gained a bit of that by figuring out your mistake ^^ dont think of this as a loss because if...
  13. yourexelency

    Seedling Dying. Help!

    you guys are goof balls how could you not know he was talking about seedlings ^^ thats the name of the thread lol i freaking love stoners X)
  14. yourexelency

    The Start of My New Future Sativa Strain!

    oh i dont think i'll have a choice ^^ it would be too great... but it's hard to imagine that i'm the only one who thought of it so i'll bet it won't work...
  15. yourexelency

    The Start of My New Future Sativa Strain!

    yeah i understand completely ^^ buuuut sorry you should not be... however it's something i would like to know so yeah DEFF gonna be trying that later on in life peace and love
  16. yourexelency

    The Start of My New Future Sativa Strain!

    could you possibly expose your plants to higher levels of ph per generation to increase ph resistance? jw ^^
  17. yourexelency

    The Start of My New Future Sativa Strain!

    very nice ^^ i hope you don't mind me asking a buncha dumb questions... it is for a good cause... do you ever think about selling some of what you grow?
  18. yourexelency

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    they would have to be clones for it to be accurate.... right?
  19. yourexelency

    1st Ever Grow. bubbleponic/whitewidowXbigbud

    no man i'm sorry i just smoked some pretty decent purp i'm at a good high ^^