Search results

  1. KenGreenLeaf

    Progressive yellowing of leaves during flowering, should I harvest ?

    this is without any CO2 and good old elbow grease here...
  2. KenGreenLeaf

    Progressive yellowing of leaves during flowering, should I harvest ?

    i think i have figured out this downloadable stuff now ,,so what do you guys thing on my third grow cannot get real good seeds in texas cause texas sucks cola's...
  3. KenGreenLeaf

    Progressive yellowing of leaves during flowering, should I harvest ?

    I am at 6 weeks of flower with some good bag seeds , but saying that they look cross bread,, but all the same most of my fan leafs are yellowing and falling off , triches are still clear so going to let them continue and hope for the best i fed tuesday aug 28,,2012 so please pray this is my...
  4. KenGreenLeaf

    Guerrilla Guide

    Man I had to pull all my babies and they were about 17'6" and someone found them and said they were going to the cops so up they came they all had about 6 inch thick stocks just starting to flower and I had 1 my first indica the others were sativa which i prefer Indica i like sinking in my...
  5. KenGreenLeaf

    2 Plants 1 Month Old, Is This Lighting Good Enough?.....Pics!!

    them things are way to tall ,, there light starvedif its gonna be an indoor plant you should invest in LED combo lighting for veg and flower that height you should have atleast three sets of ne limbs starting especially at 2 months old already....
  6. KenGreenLeaf


    I have used x many times you got lookalikes and you have speed based and mdma based and you have heroin based ,you wand rolling balls take the H based and you will want to hump any girl you want to dance take the speed based and the mdma well is a combo of all feelings,,but the truth about it...
  7. KenGreenLeaf

    Should i foliar feed during flowering?

    I know asprin burns my stomach ,,and well my stomach can take more than a plant so I also agree thats its pure stupidity to use asprin on a plant ,,smells like a Fed answer or some lonely cop Phosphorus nutes and trace nutes and a good Ph purified water is all I would use ,dude God gave us every...
  8. KenGreenLeaf

    Changing Plants Colour

    My plant has blue colored leaves with a soil PH reading of 7 an even neutral and I foilage feed with a PH level of 5.2 with my nutes every 9 days at quarter strength so as to not cause mold or fungus right at 2.5 monthsat 5.5 ft.tall loooking like that great american christmas tree ,,got to love...
  9. KenGreenLeaf

    black ash

    I dunno I have a soil grow that was flushed 3 weeks and dried and cured 2.5 months and i get black ash and it wont stay lit dried it out individual limbs not whole plant what am I doing wrong as well?????
  10. KenGreenLeaf

    Nutrient Burn

    yeah I just got my girl back on track I used some Carl Pool BR-61 nutes its (9-58-8) made specificly for budsand it is some strong stuff and it works greatly with sativa ? on indica.. so got the nutes from a local nursery but anywho I am happy with the end resultsbig lucious blooms that wreek...
  11. KenGreenLeaf

    Some White Web Inside My Buds

    I agree ,I would remove thant and any others in the gro area and clean and disanfect the area mold travels in air so if on plant then its on floor , wall or something else ,,like another plant which could be devistating to some ,,your humidity could be to high.... check all of conditions I bet...
  12. KenGreenLeaf

    Changing Plants Colour

    I am just so happy for the colors that are naturally starting to show in my plants buds she is a very good girl makin her daddy a very proud man..
  13. KenGreenLeaf

    so what kind of help do we ask for ?

    so what kind of help do we ask for ?
  14. KenGreenLeaf

    The Varmints

    not all of them went north some of there roots were to deep and made the best of it you with all them varmits and stuff
  15. KenGreenLeaf

    is everyone new here or is just the name here,,lol

    is everyone new here or is just the name here,,lol
  16. KenGreenLeaf

    to the one who asked about Ph levels raising or lower ing well all depends on if you are soil or...

    to the one who asked about Ph levels raising or lower ing well all depends on if you are soil or hydroponics this will definetly matter if soil grow ,you can use to raise ph level limestone now to lower powdered sulfur they have to be mixed in to the best of your ability without damaging your...
  17. KenGreenLeaf

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone