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  1. Bonghostage

    Best Feel Good Strains?

    Blueberry makes me very uplifted and talkative, I like that. White rhino is good defos.. don't go too heavy on it though or you won't have a clue what's going on
  2. Bonghostage

    Bearded dragons anybody??

    My girl has a dragon, pretty awesome. Fun to sit with after a smoke, some pretty funny manerisms. Doesn't much like me though, seems to like shitting on me
  3. Bonghostage

    Battlefield 3

    How is it then? played the beta and it was dynamite but how's the single player and the other maps? lucky bugger
  4. Bonghostage

    I Won The Weed Lottery!

    I've had children at a skate park try to sell me a garbage bag full of shake (they'd found and stolen about 5 - 6 bags from outside an op, apparently) pretty decent for shake, wish i'd gotten some now and made hash with it, it's crazy when shit like that happens
  5. Bonghostage

    blue cheese or jack herer?

    blue cheese is lovley, one of my favorites. never tried true jack but i've heard alot about it
  6. Bonghostage

    Something a little different

    Scottish rap, seriously give it a listen, mabye i just like it cause i'm scottish but it's fuckin solid
  7. Bonghostage

    95% seedless Laos Sativa.

    that stuff looks like somethin else man, would love to give it a bash, you're very lucky lol :eyesmoke:
  8. Bonghostage

    Does everybody who smoke weed, smoke cigarettes too?

    I smoke rolling tobacco, really want to quit though, it's starting to fuck with me pretty bad. hopefully soon it'll be nothing but good old mary. I have bouts of stopping smoking every now and then, usually it ends during a night out. I just can't help myself when i'm wasted
  9. Bonghostage

    Americans vote for a smoke

    That's fantastic :)
  10. Bonghostage

    Weird feelings when I smoke...

    Just cause you're new to it man, probably. sometimes weird things happen though. I'm pretty blazed right now and my left hand feels like it has a flame under it. I don't ever really feel "uncomfortable" though
  11. Bonghostage

    Tell Me About Your Look

    Genuine leather jacket. real smart shoes, slim denim, and a checkered shirt. longish messy hair, a bottle of captain morgan's. a crate of bud and some fine herbal cannabis. mabye a few E's
  12. Bonghostage

    2 oz of cannabutter into my chocloate rice krispy treats

    It can be quite... intense. rice crispy treats would go down so good right now man
  13. Bonghostage

    cough syrup high

    I would reccomend some fine marijuana instead, because cough medicine is shit.
  14. Bonghostage

    So like when you're high right......

    i've got a bad habit of lighting joints or fags at the wrong end when i'm fucked up
  15. Bonghostage

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    very interesting thread doggyd, i'm defos gunna try LST for my next cfl grow, seems to be quite fitting for cfl lights given the low growth height and number of tops. very cool man, good luck with it will be interesting to see what the harvest is like.
  16. Bonghostage

    What is the most potent strain you have tried?

    g13 haze, cheesewreck, blue cheese always gets me ripped. what i'm growing atm. emmm.... white rhino is a personal favorite too
  17. Bonghostage

    You ever drink so much you have a hangover for literally almost a week?

    i'm not a "pot only" pot head.. I love to drink (and smoke at the same time) I flew back from jersey a few weeks ago after a pub crawl and alot of hash smoking and i've never felt so fucking rough in my life. Planes are so fucking bright on the inside when you're at 32,000 feet at mid-day, why...
  18. Bonghostage

    I Think My Dog Is A Little Stoned

    Sometimes when i hotbox with the dog in the room he gets a little drowsy. Just seems to make him sleepy. But he seems to like being near me when I smoke, mabye he enjoys it
  19. Bonghostage

    I Can Do Anything Better Than You...

    I could do stand up blazed, apparently. Also whip some ass in just about any fps
  20. Bonghostage

    Knockout my friend strain?

    warlock, or a good amout of white rhino always puts me on my ass