Dunno about dreams but last night I went to bed and after lying for a while in the darkness I had intese closed eye visuals. I saw other eyes, and then a screaming face. Very realistic. fucking creepy too.
I agree with Raw.. I've had bud that's looked & smelled the real deal but turned out to be a shit smoke. I've also had stuff that looks and tastes like shit but puts you straight into hyperspace. If it smells like straight organic fuel when it's ground it's probably the real deal. that's what i...
For when you're mega blazed and can't be fucked cooking anything, here's a simple but thoroughly effective recipe; Fingers (or a spoon, if you're feeling hygenic) + nutella. good shit. :eyesmoke:
Fuck man, this thread is making me hungry, I can smell the donner meat from the kebab shop that I got and it's calling my name.. but it's been lying too long.. why must thou taunt me tasty devil
Pretty much everyone I know tokes so we use it as an endearing term.. personally I would refer to myself as a... "Cannabis enthusiast" lol :eyesmoke::leaf:
Usually they come back, they know where thier bread and butter is. My dog had escaped a few times but he always finds his way home. If all else fails yeah, check the pound
Sounds like your home made went really well hatter :) :eyesmoke: I adore hash.. smoking on some polm right now, lovely stuff :joint: when my crop is ready I might try and make a little bubble if i can, i'd be so proud if i made good hash :mrgreen:
I've always wanted to try panama red, crazy looking bud.. i've tried AG once and was really nice. I think nowadays it's all a race to develop the strain that just blasts you into outerspace
Should be fine, plants are hardier than most people give them credit for. Just keep an eye out for pests & disease, once the wound is closed you should have no problems.
I have a history of alcoholism in my family, so I've come to terms with the realisation that I will need to stop eventually. Or just take it easy. But if you meet someone that can drink absinthe and not be utterly fuckfaced, I will be happy to shake thier hand. It's not even "drunk". It's like...
Haha am I fuck quiting.. I love drinking, just sometimes I go a bit too far. Just need to take it a bit easier, and not partake in the consumption of absinthe.
It's all revolving around hackney it seems, so this will probably end up going on for a while..(hackney's not the place I would go for a relaxing vacation, put it that way)
Drinking is bittersweet... Yesterday (aparenty) I broke the neighbours fence then decided since it was broken to have a bonfire. Then shoplifted. Quite alot. And made a complete arse of myself in general. I woke up at about 4 today with half a baked potato strewn all over my bed, and ash all...