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  1. H

    Buds Started to Get white Mold on them while Drying?

    you can try to spray it with a 10% milk 90% water. will slow if not stop the mold. but if it is internal your screwed.
  2. H

    Powdery Mildew Problem

    this is the best way. i have used this method. and it only takes a couple times. make sure to do about a 10 to 20% milk to water, dont go over that or you can have problems.
  3. H

    Mold? Fungus? What do I do?

    baking soda is messy and un neccesary. just make sure to keep it at a 10 to 20 % mix rate. dont go higher than that.
  4. H

    Mold? Fungus? What do I do?

    the best way to get rid of mold on plants is to use a 10% milk 90% water mix. you can even use thiswhen in bud. spray the whole infected plant, even if you dont see it on some leaves.
  5. H

    Drowning Plant Prior To Harvest

    you need to do your research dew. cannibus starts to convert sugars into starches as soon as the roots stop getting oxygen. its a natural fermentation process.
  6. H

    First grow alaskan thunder fuck

    All you need to do is tie them down. the plant will recover and bend all buds ,leaves, and branches back up to the light within a couple hours