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  1. Trizzy

    Pruning at first sign of flowering

    No bueno son NEVER!! cut the leaves off unless they dieing try some LST (low stress training) to get lights to penetrate deeper without harming the plant. Your plants are fckn awsome by the way
  2. Trizzy

    New grower looking for input on grow tent setup.

    deff gonna need more light
  3. Trizzy

    having to move an outdoor plant indoor! what LIGHTS!

    Dude that plants georgous but from the size id say anything 250 watt and higher should do unless u pull something off like what I'm doing now I have a 70 watt HPS along with a few 14 watt CFLs but my plants about half the size of yours just throwing some ideas at you
  4. Trizzy

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Enlighten me ...
  5. Trizzy

    SJ DarkRoom II 300w / growlight reflector

    Home depot sells relectors dude just go check it out for yourself
  6. Trizzy

    My stealth grow box

    this box is great man I love stealth grows I'm a big fan my self good idea for the ducting on the fans I never thought of that good shit bro
  7. Trizzy

    150 Watt 2x2 SOG Grow

    That's way too much for such a little space mabe find something a little bigger and 150 watt gives off mad heat in sucha small space it cud be problems
  8. Trizzy

    2nd time on the G shit

    Here's some close ups of her I think she's about 5 weeks in or mabe 6 idk
  9. Trizzy

    2nd time on the G shit

    oh and the other plants are chilli peppers and an apple plant.
  10. Trizzy

    2nd time on the G shit

    yea some of th branches have three leaves because I was moveing and had to leave it by a friends house for a while and it almost died I'll see if I cud find pics but I'll post some more pics later
  11. Trizzy

    2nd time on the G shit

    So its been a few months since I've updated my girl is doing well after a near death experience After some LST she sprung up and waalaa my bitch is bad hope u tokers enjoy
  12. Trizzy

    2nd time on the G shit

    This is what it looks like wen everything is closed up..pretty stealth huh
  13. Trizzy

    2nd time on the G shit

    whussup RIU this is my second indoor grow I originally started with sunlight from my kitchen window but I noticed my plants stretching so I whipped up this nursery from a small fridge I had sitting around in my room. They're currently under 24 hr light I also threw a small pc fan in there so get...