State of Colorado are will take your children if they are under the age of18 and living on the property as your grow. I have a family member that werks for the Colorado department of human services. The thought to be an untouchable card holder in this state is false.
Yup. Non smoker here. Wifey smokes the shit out of it tho. I had to give it up for my job. Bitch of it is I am new to growing. Hard for me to get a feel for the potency of my crop. Been quitted for a year now after being a 24/7 stoner for 20 years. One day I will be back.
Ok the original report is wrong and the second is correct. But the pictures are too graphic to show the public.? Next I will be told that drugs are bad.kiss-ass
10-4. However, in a child custody dispute I was accused of smoking pot. I informed the court that I was not a pot smoker. I ate my pot. tho there where many more details involved, social services bought it and I ended up with total custody of my child.
In an analogy. Can you walk around in a glass house naked? I bet money that if your neighbors called local police they would explain to you why you cannot smoke weed outside your house. The thought to be untouchable because you have a mmj card is false. Most Hoa' s that I have dealt with...
Those two cents are worth a million $. I fucker up the day I registered. Illegal is illegal. It is spelled the same. Defined the same. The charges are the same. For this reason my grow and my residence are in different places.
I am guilty of being ignorant. As I watch state & municipal laws change almost monthly I realize this. I for one have no interest in renewing my mmj license. I am starting to believe the "registry" is just that. The idea was good. The reality sux. My idea of being legal is no different...
Not sure but this sounds like a guy from highlands ranch in Colorado. If so he ended up with a 5 year federal sentence. Federal time 5 years means 5 years. However, he was over his limit. @ least he pled guilty to it. My question is what kind of idiot invites a news crew over to check out...
as for card holding Coloradoans. There is a dispensery on every street corner. If you don't have a card then someone you kno does. Bottom line here is the legal market sets the price for the underground. And Mexican is unavailable. I personally grow more than I smoke. What I don't smoke I...
Yes black is hot. on residential wiring it is positive. To prove this unscrew an outlet from the wall and stick your tongue on the screw that holds the black wire. Or just go get a volt meter and read the instructions on how to use it. The white wire is either ground or neutral. Either...