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  1. T

    What yield do you pull from a 4x4 ?????

    What kind of “BIG” strains? Any recommendations on 1000w LED? Thinking about growing indoors.
  2. T

    Yield per plant!!! Please help!!!

    Well I'm growing outside.. Soo I'll be using dirt, and good soild.. but i heard it can be anywhere from.. 2.5 oz- 2lbs.. plus im worried about weight & quality.... bc a harvest is suppose to last you.. 1 year or until the next time you grow.. Soo if it's an annoying question.. dont answer it...
  3. T

    Yield per plant!!! Please help!!!

    I'm a first time grower..And i need expert advice for a beginner.. I have mid & high-mid seeds.. I was wondering, How much will each plant yield.. Thanx for anyone's suggestion, help, and advice..
  4. T

    typical outdoor yield

    I'm thinking about, growing myself.. How much would each plant yield.. If i took good care of them??? Btw they're mids/high-mids seeds..