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  1. ebcpsavedmylife

    Bad Batch of Ocean Forest!

    straight from the horse's mouth, eh? I'm not having any problems personally, but come on bro... that sounds like a fresh load straight from the horse's ass. of course they're not going to admit anything is wrong with their products, if they did that would cost the company a significant amount in...
  2. ebcpsavedmylife

    Bad Batch of Ocean Forest!

    west coast seems to be alright thus far. ph is a tad low, but not enough to worry me.
  3. ebcpsavedmylife

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and Ph?

    I'm sorry I wasn't going to say anything; but wow this has really turned into some school girl bullshit. I thought the name of the game here was to post your results, and how you were able to achieve them. So as to possibly provide information to someone encountering the same or a similar...
  4. ebcpsavedmylife

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and Ph?

    I'm not sure about that man, I measured mine the other day and it was damn near 5. I haven't experienced any lockout yet, despite a very slight phos deficiancy that was easily fixed with some veg nutes. In my opinion, the runoff is not necessairly as important as the PH of the medium itself. I...
  5. ebcpsavedmylife

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and Ph?

    hey saw the title on the thread and just thought i'd post my two cents, currently have my first grow with ffof going on right now, great results thus far. they've been in it for about 2 and a half 3 months maybe, planted directly in it from root plug and lovin every minute of it. seems a...
  6. ebcpsavedmylife

    Anybody have a clue as to what may be causing this?

    yeah, there have been a few sets that seemed to come out more regular than the rest. but it seems to have reverted back to these irregular twisted leaves. I guess we'll see what happens after the next watering. would you advise against adding nutes, as the rest of my garden willl be receiving...
  7. ebcpsavedmylife

    blue crush last weeks of flowering looks funny..anyone ever seen a plant look like?

    Don't have too much experience on the growing end of things, first grow going on as we speak, but I have smoked some purps that looked very similar to this. Just real fatty calyx's, it looks dank in the pics bro.
  8. ebcpsavedmylife

    Anybody have a clue as to what may be causing this?

    Just double checked the soil's ph after watering this morning, and it's 6.3. Maybe... ph shock? Low ph of medium -> higher ph water... I don't know? Just trying to think along the lines of PH. Yeah that picture of the one leaf I thought could have been early onset of a phos deficiency but it...
  9. ebcpsavedmylife

    Anybody have a clue as to what may be causing this?

    So I've posted about this plant in particular before, early in on it's growth. And it's still having the same problem, I've questioned pulling her out and calling it quits many a time while maintaining the room. But none-the-less, here's a little background knowledge on this girl: Strain is...
  10. ebcpsavedmylife

    Duuude, fuck... 4-20 was like Y2K on my plants

    Any suggestions on what's going on here: I was thinking just bad genetics, it was a bag seed and from day one it's just been the runt of the group. I was questioning calling it quits for her several times but she just has the funkiest smell already beckoning me to let her grow. Also a couple...
  11. ebcpsavedmylife

    Duuude, fuck... 4-20 was like Y2K on my plants

    Spot on j-- I took a second set of readings from a few different areas in my container and found the soil was rather dry. I didn't really think it could have been that at the time, being that I had just watered thoroughly 2 days prior, but I just started some lst and with all the new foliage...
  12. ebcpsavedmylife

    Duuude, fuck... 4-20 was like Y2K on my plants

    So after smoking a fatty bowl of some Sour Diesel bubble hash this morning, I thought to check on my little ladies only to walk in to an absolute catastrophe... the God Bud is down severely. Super soft, almost velvet-like leaves and all the fan leaves are droopy, and I mean really droopin...
  13. ebcpsavedmylife

    Powdery mildew, possibly? Looking for more opinions before I do anything extreme.

    Fans on 'em 24/7, it's actually taller than them at this point (via LST) so all areas of the plant should be getting air flow. That coupled with the lower humidity levels really tells me that it's not, but it just looks so similar to something like that.
  14. ebcpsavedmylife

    Powdery mildew, possibly? Looking for more opinions before I do anything extreme.

    I'm not so sure if that's possible at this point. I use Fox Farm's Ocean Forest, and they were transplanted into 3 gallon pots probably about 2 weeks ago, about 1 week prior to that a half strength dose of GH's Nova: Grow was given, nute burn followed. The soil is just hot as shit. The guys at...
  15. ebcpsavedmylife

    Powdery mildew, possibly? Looking for more opinions before I do anything extreme.

    No worries dude, I couldn't think of anything either. Thanks for the help though.
  16. ebcpsavedmylife

    Powdery mildew, possibly? Looking for more opinions before I do anything extreme.

    Oh, not very many, they seem to be located on the bottom 2-4 branches on the plants that have been affected. The plants are currently in veg. soon to be converted into mothers, but still very young maybe 3 - 3 1/2 months old, from seed.
  17. ebcpsavedmylife

    Powdery mildew, possibly? Looking for more opinions before I do anything extreme.

    The temp. 75f-85f during day hours and 75-65 at night. The humidity consistently between 35-60%RH
  18. ebcpsavedmylife

    Powdery mildew, possibly? Looking for more opinions before I do anything extreme.

    That's the only reason I thought it wasn't, this looks more like granulated sugar on the leaves (and not the good kind).
  19. ebcpsavedmylife

    Powdery mildew, possibly? Looking for more opinions before I do anything extreme.

    So in some of the photos (particularly the second to last, and the last) you can see some small white specs on the leaves.. contrary to what the photo shows those specs are significantly more prevalent in the lighter green areas of the leaf, and the more damaged areas. That's namely what led me...