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  1. Dkoske06

    My First HPS 150W Closet Grow. Advice Much Needed!

    temp is always between 70-75 degrees and i use a bubbleponics and top drip feed which the top feed is only used once a day for about 10 mins. Im using about 1tsp per gallon which its 10 gallons of water which it was about 8tsp for each solution but now i have reduced it to 6tsp per solution if...
  2. Dkoske06

    My First HPS 150W Closet Grow. Advice Much Needed!

    thanks everyone here are my week five updated pics and its not looking too good i think i overfed them and the leaves are dying and turing yellow and curling. I flushed the system and reduced the amount of nutes i have been giving them. The ph is right around 6.5 and i would like as much advice...
  3. Dkoske06

    Dying Plants

    i use a ten gallon tote and i use a air stone and an air defuser same thing but i love my set up but mine just curl on the corners and ive learned to move the lights a little higher and they became much healthier
  4. Dkoske06

    Browning Leaves. Any Suggestions

    id have to say overfeeding they starting to curl at the tips?
  5. Dkoske06

    My First HPS 150W Closet Grow. Advice Much Needed!

    some of my leaves are actually dropping and the outsides of the leaves are curling inward is that root rot or fungas causing it cuz its turning a slight yellow but its still growing need help bad
  6. Dkoske06

    My First HPS 150W Closet Grow. Advice Much Needed!

    i am now using the flora grow 3 part series already showing results of better color and leaves lifting up
  7. Dkoske06

    My First HPS 150W Closet Grow. Advice Much Needed!

    ok cool thanks all the help is needed im picking them up tommorow so when i do ill post pics weekly so u can see whats going down shit if i could i smoke u up now if i could lol
  8. Dkoske06

    My First HPS 150W Closet Grow. Advice Much Needed!

    im thinking about going wit general hydroponics , either floranova series or the simple 3 part they have i just purchased a ph up and down by general hydro so im all set on ph balance but i want more info on the boosters, is it ok to use the boosters during the process of using other nutes?
  9. Dkoske06

    My First HPS 150W Closet Grow. Advice Much Needed!

    This is my first time growing i have a 150 hps grow light with a bubbleponics/ top drip feed setup (homemade) I still dont know sex yet but this is the 4th week from seed and i need all the help i can get im really confused as to what is the feed for the plants. Sooooo many different mixtures...
  10. Dkoske06

    What is going on here? No one know?

    there are alot of variable you could be over watering them causing them to wilt which then the light could be killing them. generally if the light is too close or too hot it could fry them. also your fert your using could be over feeding them killing them
  11. Dkoske06

    LED Grow Light Mini Fridge

    to tell u the truth the best led grow lights to buys r mad expensive your looking at almost a grand or more for a led ligh that gives off enough lumens to produce fast grows
  12. Dkoske06

    Going green, grow... need advice!

    pics soon to give everyone an idea
  13. Dkoske06

    Going green, grow... need advice!

    its not actually aluminum foil its space blankets my bad
  14. Dkoske06

    Going green, grow... need advice!

    I am currently running two 5 gallon dwc (deep water culture) setups. I am trying to figure out how to grow them by going green as possible. This includes energy efficient lighting,fertilizers and ventilation. They currently sit in a 4x4x5 plywood constructed box. That will be lined in aluminum...