Search results

  1. the mook

    4 plant autos...harvest time yet?

    3 or 4 will be worth it though,they look very tasty
  2. the mook

    4 plant autos...harvest time yet?

    Dont pay to much attention to what the breeders say .. there not ready yet man..3/4 weeks id say
  3. the mook

    white pistils receding

    a "friend" of mine is growing some top 44.its about 7-8 weeks into 12/12..his question is,is it normal for the pistils to recede into the cylax,even though they are still very much white? iv checked the trichcombs and id say around 90% are milky and 10% clear.and the bud is fairly dense,id tell...
  4. the mook

    lollipop picture thread

    hi all do we have a lollipop thread here? iv looked but cant find any,i know we have lst,12/12 250,600 club etc.can we get a lollipop thread going :-P:leaf::-P
  5. the mook

    Do you REALLY know who your dealing with??

    is it just an american thing where dealers hangout the streets and ask random people they dont know to buy their stuff?because iv never heard of it happening anywhere else,not being a dick im just curious 'cause it just seems like a real "not smart" way to sell,and get caught by U.C cops,shot...
  6. the mook

    attitude just robbed me of 50 euro =(

    at least it aint just me =p @fxbane and i no that im sure it will get sorted just raging a little cause of the reason that i have been happy with them for well over a year delvite said im not the only one,hopefully it will get sorted
  7. the mook

    attitude just robbed me of 50 euro =(

    just a heads up.iv been dealing with them for a year with no problem ,and today made a order and when i pressed confim the order was ment to have gone through,but instead told me to re-enter my details.did so and made me re-enter again,3rd time it said i basicly had no money.double checked my...
  8. the mook

    Pot on Top of Pot?

    will do man =) thanx for reply
  9. the mook

    Pot on Top of Pot?

    they are in 10" by 10" ..i know its not to big,but im not trying to grow tree's =) i had some big bud in smaller pots before and they grew up to 3 foot.and i dont think there root bound on the side,i slowly slid my finger down (sexy haha) to check if the soil is to dry etc.i think its just dept...
  10. the mook

    Pot on Top of Pot?

    its the same size pot underneath it,so im not realy giving up any "floor space"
  11. the mook

    Pot on Top of Pot?

    its not weak by any means its very healthy.i cant see why it wouldnt work though?
  12. the mook

    Seed Germination

    the way most people do it is,wet two tissues and put ithe seeds inbetween them,.about a day or two they pop.
  13. the mook

    Pot on Top of Pot?

    hey riu just a quick one.i have a 3 week old.and its in small enough pot,already its rot bound,im a little short on space in the box so i cant put it into something thinking if i fill another pot with soil and put it under theory the roots should grow down into the other pot...
  14. the mook

    Delicious Seeds..Sugar Black Rose..anyone?

    thanks for the info,im sick of growing autoflowers.iv gone ahead and ordered them from the tude haha.i might start a grow journal for them.thanks boys and girls =p
  15. the mook

    Delicious Seeds..Sugar Black Rose..anyone?

    hi RIU,im picking up 5 of these beans for my next round of green,anyone ever grow them or any info on them that isnt on the pack or what "the tude" tells you? they look mad tasty :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
  16. the mook

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    AWWWHHH i was reading this from the start today hoping to see the end result >x( .SUBBED.amazing plant man! got me a nice 250hps for xmas.hopefully one day i can get a result like this =)
  17. the mook

    1st grow, ready to harvist?

    im sure its the 5th of oct everywhere else man =p ,but joking aside best way to tell if there ready is with a handheld mircoscope,100x, you can pick em up in the head shops or on arent tpp great but from what i can see i dont think there ready yet,nice plant though,what strain is it...
  18. the mook

    how do i produce bigger buds

    lst,super crop etc,strict nute schedule or try switching strains
  19. the mook

    What Business Would You Start?

    so hypothetically speaking..just to amuse the voices in my head :-P..if you made a substantial amount of money from "the green" ..what business would you set up to prove income (provivied that you havnt spent it on stupid stuff and saved it) .id like to think id go into retail,or limo service...
  20. the mook

    Anyone wana take the 'Evian Challange' with me?

    i never had to use supplements with it.never had to to adjust the ph level either,im growing in MG and using MG nutes and my plants grow fine and smoke great =)